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Certifiably Surly
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Posts posted by Foosters

  1. Just now, slorch said:

    Just get your party lines straight.   Is Trump the madter dictator seizing cotrol or is he alienating the government that would do his bidding?    The reactions from y'all are telling.  


    Decide the narrative and roll with it...

    Are you actually this obtuse in real life or is this just an internet persona thing?

  2. Just now, Post Oak said:

    Can you imagine being mad that black athletes kneel for the National Anthem but not at this treasonous shitstain selling out America to Russia.


    Absolutely. I mean, if you're a racist that is.

  3. Just now, Mdhorn said:

    Hannity is going to spin the treason right out of Trump's press conference.  Trump literally has his own speech launderer network. 

    I mean, Trump talks to Hannity on the phone almost every day.

  4. Just now, The Royal We said:

    I can't believe there are real people out there who still strongly support someone who is clearly a traitor.  And I've never voted for a Democrat in my life.

    No, no, no, don't you see?  They're not supporting Trump now. In fact, they're not even paying attention. They're just having fun looking at everyone getting so upset about something so trivial. Nevermind, they spent 8 years crying like toddlers over every single thing Obama did. Now? Not really paying attention/don't care/funny bc lib tears.

    • Like 1
  5. 3 minutes ago, RandomIdoit said:

    Alienating our trading partners implied that. Trump is just unlikable but that doesn't mean that we will not prosper.

    Good luck with the trade wars.

  6. 1 hour ago, jimmyjazz said:

    The fuck it wasn't.

    Hey, if you're a racist, own it.  Not my fault.  The leftist attitudes in our media and schools are FAR superior to whatever shit it is that FOX and DeVos are peddling, so again, own your unAmerican values.  You're the ones dragging it all down.


    What are you babbling about?  This is a prime example of my point.  If the left has any stones they'll do whatever they can to fuck with this nomination.  Will they succeed?  Hell no.  Fuck with it anyway. 


    Any time, my "friend".  Let me know when you're in town.

    Lol at trying to engage Slorch in a real discussion. Have you lost your mind? 

    • Like 1
  7. 1 hour ago, Scholz said:

    Yep.  From the same people who were pro trade and then immediately pro tarriffs, were pro western alliances and then immediately anti EU and Canada, were pro fiscal conservatism and deficit hawks and then immediately pro $2 trillion more in deficit spending, etc.

    Where's my boy Emmy at?

  8. 1 hour ago, CooterBrown said:


    I am friends two adopting families in my hood. One is a liberal lesbian couple and the other are liberal tech professionals. As far as I know neither couple is remotely religious. Anecdotal data is anecdotal data.


    What's really gonna blow Johnny's mind is when he learns there are liberals who are christian.

  9. 9 minutes ago, Johnny Sack said:

    “When someone’s arrested, they expect someone will notify federal immigration authorities just as they would expect someone who violates state tax law will find out that they notified the IRS,” the pollster said.

    People are under the impression that the local police look into whether you have violated federal tax law, and then report those findings to the IRS?

  10. 31 minutes ago, JBJ said:

    What does overturning Roe look like?  Some 20 states have abortion restrictions that exceed Roe, but have survived challenges.  The counterpoint is that there are also dozens of laws that have been enjoined following Roe, so it isn't dead.

    I don't think there's going to be a landmark case that completely turns Roe on itself.  It'll be Roe becoming less and less relevant over time. 

    Well, it would look like the SCOTUS holding that the Constitution does not prohibit individual states from passing any laws they want relating to abortion. The holding would be followed by roughly 20 states immediately passing legislation banning all forms of abortion, and some even banning medication like the "day after pill."

  11. 2 minutes ago, hayden_horn said:

    we had a strict conservative in scalia. i don't think we really know what gorsuch will do in the next ruling or 5 years from now. we always knew trump was getting 2-3 justices, because of scalia, and the general age of the justices.

    and i'm a weirdo, but i prefer a conservative supreme court. what i worry about is that pendulum swinging into a rubber stamp. i happen to hope that the justices on the surpreme court aren't overly activist, however, and i hope that decisions will continue to be balanced.

    a cynic is only a frustrated optimist, after all.

    So you have faith that Roberts will preserve Roe and progeny?  Bc they're gone otherwise.

  12. 23 minutes ago, scottsins said:

    I guess the 50th post of the thread would be a good place to actually discuss the analysis of the decision, specifically the free speech issue.  To me, that's easily the most compelling rationale for the majority opinion in this case.


    ETA:  Bolverk mentioned this with the political contributions remark.  That's what I was referring to WRT the 1st Amendment.

    Is every expenditure speech? Serious question.

  13. 4 minutes ago, seven said:

    I do not believe you should have to pay dues to a union you don't belong to, so I agree with this ruling. 


    As far as the existence of public sector unions, I support the right for workers to act in and advocate for their best interests. 

    And you agree that non-union members shouldn't be eligible to receive benefits negotiated by that union?

  14. 15 hours ago, Cacti said:

    No, they still won’t like us but since they are in no position to defend themselves from Russia, they will pretend to like us. Much like the basement-dwelling, college grad who doesn’t like his parents but can’t, or won’t, get out from under their protective umbrella.

    In any event, I think you’re overestimating our pre-Trump era respect. The Reputation Institutes Country Reptrak 2015 Survey, which ranks countries by how respected they are, placed the U.S. outside the top twenty. And in The Reputation Institute’s 2016 “World’s Most Reputable Countries” survey, the U.S. finished 28th, in between Poland and Argentina.

    Granted, our standing is now lower but don’t pretend we were an admired nation during the previous administration.

    That's a lot of words to say "yeah, you're right."

  15. 22 minutes ago, Cacti said:


    We may have written the rules for protection of intellectual property but China has flagrantly violated those rules, with little or repercussions. They don't respect us, and never have.



    As far as “Trump…making the United States less respected in the world” (with respect to the E.U.), just wait until Putin inevitably growls at his bordering, western neighbors. I suspect the E.U. will, at that time, once again feign respect for us. And bigly.

    Hilarious. Trump's campaign:

    "I will rebuild America's economic power and reestablish us on the global stage."

    "Foreign countries are mocking us and think we're weak. I will fix this.



    "Well, China was cheating so we just decided to quit."

    "Well yeah, we're now far less respected than ever, but just wait until Russia starts trying to fuck with Europe. Then they'll like us."   

    • Like 4
    • Haha 1

  16. I thought you cared about the poor? Only when it serves your purpose.
    Got to get rid of all of those "deplorables" - you know, poor and middle class Americans.
      Who digs the ditches?  Who buses the tables?  Willfully obtuse.
    So the policies are completely unsustainable for the lower and middle class requiring an illegal labor force?  Then you bitch and say no "American" would take those jobs.  So funny it's sad.  More homeless and more rich....get rid of the rest?
    Those same rich folks don't really care about health care, public schools or affordable housing as those issues will never be a reality for them or their children.

    Lol what?

    I never said it was a good thing that the poor cannot afford California. Just showing that you were either lying or mistaken.
  17. Quote

    A group of religious leaders was arrested in downtown Los Angeles on Tuesday morning while protesting a visit by Atty. Gen. Jeff Sessions, who is scheduled to deliver a speech to a criminal justice organization in the afternoon.

    The rabbis, pastors and other faith leaders were among a group of about 150 demonstrators gathered outside the federal courthouse on Spring Street who were targeting Sessions because of his role in defending President Trump’s “zero tolerance” border policy that recently led to thousands of immigrant children and parents being detained and separated indefinitely.

    About two dozen people were arrested, authorities said.

    Sessions is scheduled to give a speech at the Criminal Justice Legal Foundation’s annual luncheon at the Millennium Biltmore Hotel on Tuesday afternoon, according to the Department of Justice.


    Dozens of demonstrators held hands about 8:30 a.m. and blocked Spring Street, chanting, “Kids belong at home! Not in cages!”

    Sandra Olewine, 51, a pastor at First United Methodist Church in Pasadena, was the first person arrested Tuesday morning. She had been seated in a line of people blocking the roadway. As she was led away in handcuffs, people cheered.

    “Sometimes you have to break the law,” Olewine said minutes earlier. “We are sitting down for the children.”

    As Los Angeles police officers prepared to arrest others, the group started praying. By 10:30 a.m., the street was cleared.

    Rabbi Jonathan Klein, who helped organize the protest, said it was spearheaded by an interfaith group. Demonstrating against Trump’s policies, he said, aligns directly with his faith.

    “We are building a just and sacred society,” Klein said. “My faith says I have no choice but to be here.”

    Klein said he felt the protest took on greater significance Tuesday morning after the U.S. Supreme Court upheld President Trump’s ban on foreign visitors and immigrants from six mostly Muslim-majority nations.




  18. 2 hours ago, Foosters said:

    A 5 second google search shows the Rothschild family emblem looking nothing like what you've posted. The only references to a Rothschild Red Emblem that looks like the above are on crazy-ass conspiracy websites. Do you have a link that supports this?

    So that's a "no" then? You're just going to spread fake shit and hide when called on it?

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