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Certifiably Surly
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Posts posted by Foosters

  1. 41 minutes ago, ChickenSandwich said:

    I didn't post the article

    and because they are on the front lines of the political dissent trying to force their harmful politics on the rest of the country.  They like to pretend these real crisis (homeless, housing, terrible public schools, mass exodus of Americans) etcdon't exist in their utopia and couldn't possibly be caused by their political decisions.  Easier to just blame Trump.

    Yet again, you're wrong. Over a 10 year period, they lost one million residents to migration. They actually have a net gain in high earners and college grads. The poor are moving bc the cost of housing is high.  

  2. 1 hour ago, Johnny Sack said:

    I live in a city.  And know more than a few rich people.  They are overwhelmingly GOP.  Not everyone in urban areas are liberal.  And when it comes to the super rich, the split is pretty damn even across America.

    Yes we know. You're rich. You hang out with lots of rich friends. You have a really fancy ranch. You do all sorts of activities that rich people do.  We get it. You've been telling us for years.

    • Like 3
  3. 2 hours ago, Bill Clinton said:

    I'm not the one cheering on violence in the streets against political opponents. It's just hilarious that you think a bunch of starbucks hipsters are going to take on active and ex-military as well as active police. Have you ever been to a "license to carry" class? How many voted for Trump and old are those people?

    They don't watch fox news, nobody watches shitty MSM anymore.

    Although your black lives matter buddy in Dallas did take out 5 police officers, I don't think these goobers have the same discipline. 


    I don't want to see any violence from the political entertainment on the tele vision programming. That's what the globalists want. Hugo calls 'em Russians. 



    Anyway, I suggest you read this book.




    A 5 second google search shows the Rothschild family emblem looking nothing like what you've posted. The only references to a Rothschild Red Emblem that looks like the above are on crazy-ass conspiracy websites. Do you have a link that supports this?

  4. 2 minutes ago, EMAWesome said:

    Okay, I'll play along.  List every racist thing I've ever done.  You can't because you don't know me from the man in the moon.  You've never met me.  You know nothing of my background.  You couldn't point me out of a police line up.  You know absolutely nothing about me other than I am a K-State fan.   And yet you think you can play Robbie Coltrane and develop some kind of deep psychological profile of me based solely on internet posts on what is primarily a college football fan board.


      What truth am I not understanding?  People are breaking the law by trying to enter the country illegally and the President is enforcing the law.  An action that as head of the executive branch he has every right, arguably even duty to do.  Don't like the law?  Write your congressman.  Congress drafts legislation, not presidents.  It doesn't matter what the skin color is of the people trying to enter the country illegally.  What matters is their actions, namely trying to enter the country illegally.  I would feel this way if Mexico was on the southern border of the United States.   I would feel this way if France was on the southern border of the United States.  I would feel this way if Japan was on the southern border of the United States or any other country was on the southern border of the United States.  It's not who the people are that matters to me.  It is what they are doing. 


    If you don't want your kids taken away from you in this country don't break this country's laws.  If you are trying to enter this country illegally and you don't want any kids you have with you taken away from then don't enter this country illegally.  What's the phrase that gets posted on this site at least once a week?  Don't start no shit there won't be no shit.  If you don't want to be arrested for shoplifting, don't steal shit.  If you don't want to be ticketed for speeding, drive the speed limit.  If you don't want to be arrested for murder, don't kill anyone.  If you don't want to be arrested for illegally entering a country, don't enter the country illegally.  If I decided to sneak into France through a non port of entry and was apprehended by French law enforcement I would expect my ass to be either put in jail or kicked back across the Atlantic where I came from.  This is policy for the vast majority of the countries in the world.  Donald Trump is not going through attics looking for Latin American Anne Franks.  No Hispanic-Americans here legally are being herded into box cars.  Your "truth" does not exist.

    You realize the vast majority of "illegal immigrants" traveled here by plane and overstayed their visas, right? Why then are you only concerned with the brown ones who cross by foot? Also, you're lying, again. This administration is refusing asylum claims and lumping everyone in as "illegal entries."

    • Like 1
  5. 24 minutes ago, EMAWesome said:
    (a) All persons within the jurisdiction of this state have the right to be free from any violence, or intimidation by threat of violence, committed against their persons or property because of political affiliation, or on account of any characteristic listed or defined in subdivision (b) or (e) of Section 51, or position in a labor dispute, or because another person perceives them to have one or more of those characteristics. The identification in this subdivision of particular bases of discrimination is illustrative rather than restrictive.

    So now you are in favor of hate crime legislation?

  6. 3 hours ago, ScottishHorn said:

    Comparing the holocaust to those being held crossing the border illegally...another psycho...you know, I hear that there are enough jobs out there to get millennials to move out of their parents basements...you should do the same.

    Is it your belief that the children are committing a crime?

  7. I think a better comparison for those looking for one would be Ted Nugent, who publicly stated that the Democratic nominee for president should be hanged, and threatened to kill Obama multiple times.  He was invited to the White House.

    • Like 1
  8. I'm not even sure why this is being debated as we have an entire swath of the country living in a different reality.  The stuff I'm seeing on the internet from the Trump fans would be fascinating if it weren't so disturbing.  People so conditioned to distrust the media that they believe this entire crisis - from the children being separated, to the cages, to the audio of the children crying - is fake. One massive media conspiracy concocted out of thin air to mislead the public and take down their leader.  We are so far gone.  

    • Like 3
  9. 1 hour ago, SDG said:

    It’s right there in the tweet.  The key word is “between” as in between ports of entry. You can’t legally seek asylum between ports of entry you must seek it “at” a port of entry.  Crossing any border between ports is illegal and at that point you become a criminal and not an asylum seeker.  We are not prosecuting asylum seekers and any narrative that’s says we are is false.  The optics here is so bad the left doesn’t need to spread false narratives to win.   

    This is not true. 

  10. 17 minutes ago, GRHorn said:

    Talking tough about immigration bought him something politically, he’s just following through on it in a way that a lot of people, myself included, think is too harsh. I’m just laughing at all the outrage people are flinging around about this when this has been happening.  Same thing when people talk about bombing civilians in Yemen or the first amendment and journalism being under attack. This shit has been going on before Trump.  Im supposed to think that the majority of people on the left now have principles and have always cared?  GTFOH. 

    That you find the notion that roughly half of all persons who are left of center are incapable of having principles says quite a lot about where we stand.

  11. 18 minutes ago, Equinox said:


    Damn. I'm a criminal defense lawyer, and not a single one of my clients has ever mentioned that when they were arrested, they also forcibly detained their children and locked them in cages.  How have I missed this?

    • Like 1
  12. 2 minutes ago, Spankytoes said:

    What’s the argument? How do we better convey “Seriously, stop violating our Immigration Laws...and we’re through fucking around with it”? Catch and Release didn’t work. Catch, release in the US and prosecute later without a violator in attendance didn’t work. What consequences should people have as a deterrent to blatantly ignore the fact that we have a legal process that all are welcome to follow and their inability to do so is affecting our citizen’s future?

    Of course it sucks on a humanitarian level. But, the warnings have been there, in plain sight. Trump campaigned on Immigration as a focal point letting everyone know that this is happening. At this stage there is no question that they will be enforced unabashedly as Trump doesn’t crawfish because people don’t agree with him. At what point does the finger get pointed at the people violating the policy rather than the policy enforcers themselves? 
    What’s the answer to solve the problem, and make no mistake, it IS a problem? Calling it a racial issue is such a jaded distortion of the truth. There is one country that dominates illegal immigration in this country as repeat violators due to their proximity. The law is for ALL offenders, not just our southern neighbors. Facts don’t recognize racism.
    ...and Fuck Trump

    Point the finger at the families fleeing death? Ok, go for it.

  13. 2 minutes ago, JBJ said:

    You guys are trying to be dumb.  They are unaccompanied as soon as the parent gets charged or seeks asylum.

    There's actually a separate but similiar section that specifically keeps children with asylum-seeking parents at ports-of-entry.

    Well, with this interpretation, I'm not sure there is a situation where any child is not unaccompanied. 

  14. 3 minutes ago, JBJ said:

    8 USC 1232.235 b.3

    (3) TRANSFERS OF UNACCOMPANIED ALIEN CHILDREN.— Except in the case of exceptional circumstances, any department or agency of the Federal Government that has an unaccompanied alien child in custody shall transfer the custody of such child to the Secretary of Health and Human Services not later than 72 hours after determining that such child is an unaccompanied alien child


    ----   c.2

    (2) SAFE AND SECURE PLACEMENTS.—Subject to section 462(b)(2) of the Homeland Security Act of 2002 (6 U.S.C. 279(b)(2)), an unaccompanied alien child in the custody of the Secretary of Health and Human Services shall be promptly placed in the least restrictive setting that is in the best interest of the child. In making such placements, the Secretary may consider danger to self, danger to the community, and risk of flight. Placement of child trafficking victims may include placement in an Unaccompanied Refugee Minor program, pursuant to section 412(d) of the Immigration and Nationality Act (8 U.S.C. 1522(d)), if a suitable family member is not available to provide care. A child shall not be placed in a secure facility absent a determination that the child poses a danger to self or others or has been charged with having committed a criminal offense. The placement of a child in a secure facility shall be reviewed, at a minimum, on a monthly basis, in accordance with procedures prescribed by the Secretary, to determine if such placement remains warranted. 


    so they are ripping unaccompanied children out of the arms of . . . . ghosts?

    • Haha 1
  15. Just now, Equinox said:

    Look kiddo, if I want CNN's talking points, I'll just turn on the TV. Go back to your ledge.

    I listened to an interview on the radio this weekend, where the reporter literally watched this happen. He reported on it while it was happening. He was making this up? Again, your position is that this is all made up by the media? I hope someday your child is forcefully ripped from your arms.  

  16. Just now, Equinox said:

    Dude. be honest. Quit usinng this latest issue that is fed to you by CNN etc. to try to gin up outrage. Maybe we should try to teach these immigrants to follow the proper procedures and then they can come in legally and be productive citizens. Teaching them to use their children to break the law right off the bat sends a terrible message.


    This is rich.  

  17. 6 minutes ago, Homercles said:


    I tell people this a lot...was always dismissive of how that uppity Obama was ruining this country and people always gave vague responses like ‘politicizing the IRS’ and ‘gun rights’, but now there are concrete things like ‘my people’ that really make me feel like my country as I know it is being challenged.


    I'm not terribly worried. I mean, Trump and his bootlickers have been telling us for years how many crimes their enemies have been committing. After all the shouting and accusations, they've somehow only managed to indict their own.

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