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Certifiably Surly
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Posts posted by Foosters

  1. 18 minutes ago, Equinox said:


    Damn. I'm a criminal defense lawyer, and not a single one of my clients has ever mentioned that when they were arrested, they also forcibly detained their children and locked them in cages.  How have I missed this?

    • Like 1
  2. 2 minutes ago, Spankytoes said:

    What’s the argument? How do we better convey “Seriously, stop violating our Immigration Laws...and we’re through fucking around with it”? Catch and Release didn’t work. Catch, release in the US and prosecute later without a violator in attendance didn’t work. What consequences should people have as a deterrent to blatantly ignore the fact that we have a legal process that all are welcome to follow and their inability to do so is affecting our citizen’s future?

    Of course it sucks on a humanitarian level. But, the warnings have been there, in plain sight. Trump campaigned on Immigration as a focal point letting everyone know that this is happening. At this stage there is no question that they will be enforced unabashedly as Trump doesn’t crawfish because people don’t agree with him. At what point does the finger get pointed at the people violating the policy rather than the policy enforcers themselves? 
    What’s the answer to solve the problem, and make no mistake, it IS a problem? Calling it a racial issue is such a jaded distortion of the truth. There is one country that dominates illegal immigration in this country as repeat violators due to their proximity. The law is for ALL offenders, not just our southern neighbors. Facts don’t recognize racism.
    ...and Fuck Trump

    Point the finger at the families fleeing death? Ok, go for it.

  3. 2 minutes ago, JBJ said:

    You guys are trying to be dumb.  They are unaccompanied as soon as the parent gets charged or seeks asylum.

    There's actually a separate but similiar section that specifically keeps children with asylum-seeking parents at ports-of-entry.

    Well, with this interpretation, I'm not sure there is a situation where any child is not unaccompanied. 

  4. 3 minutes ago, JBJ said:

    8 USC 1232.235 b.3

    (3) TRANSFERS OF UNACCOMPANIED ALIEN CHILDREN.— Except in the case of exceptional circumstances, any department or agency of the Federal Government that has an unaccompanied alien child in custody shall transfer the custody of such child to the Secretary of Health and Human Services not later than 72 hours after determining that such child is an unaccompanied alien child


    ----   c.2

    (2) SAFE AND SECURE PLACEMENTS.—Subject to section 462(b)(2) of the Homeland Security Act of 2002 (6 U.S.C. 279(b)(2)), an unaccompanied alien child in the custody of the Secretary of Health and Human Services shall be promptly placed in the least restrictive setting that is in the best interest of the child. In making such placements, the Secretary may consider danger to self, danger to the community, and risk of flight. Placement of child trafficking victims may include placement in an Unaccompanied Refugee Minor program, pursuant to section 412(d) of the Immigration and Nationality Act (8 U.S.C. 1522(d)), if a suitable family member is not available to provide care. A child shall not be placed in a secure facility absent a determination that the child poses a danger to self or others or has been charged with having committed a criminal offense. The placement of a child in a secure facility shall be reviewed, at a minimum, on a monthly basis, in accordance with procedures prescribed by the Secretary, to determine if such placement remains warranted. 


    so they are ripping unaccompanied children out of the arms of . . . . ghosts?

    • Haha 1
  5. Just now, Equinox said:

    Look kiddo, if I want CNN's talking points, I'll just turn on the TV. Go back to your ledge.

    I listened to an interview on the radio this weekend, where the reporter literally watched this happen. He reported on it while it was happening. He was making this up? Again, your position is that this is all made up by the media? I hope someday your child is forcefully ripped from your arms.  

  6. Just now, Equinox said:

    Dude. be honest. Quit usinng this latest issue that is fed to you by CNN etc. to try to gin up outrage. Maybe we should try to teach these immigrants to follow the proper procedures and then they can come in legally and be productive citizens. Teaching them to use their children to break the law right off the bat sends a terrible message.


    This is rich.  

  7. 6 minutes ago, Homercles said:


    I tell people this a lot...was always dismissive of how that uppity Obama was ruining this country and people always gave vague responses like ‘politicizing the IRS’ and ‘gun rights’, but now there are concrete things like ‘my people’ that really make me feel like my country as I know it is being challenged.


    I'm not terribly worried. I mean, Trump and his bootlickers have been telling us for years how many crimes their enemies have been committing. After all the shouting and accusations, they've somehow only managed to indict their own.

  8. 1 hour ago, ChickenSandwich said:

    adorable...all illegals are free to the tax payer, who needs a middle class?  Surely the wage gap decreased during Barry right?  Pathetic

    California - the Mecca of unchecked illegal immigration spends 1.3 billion over two years in welfare payments for illegal immigrants


    More Americans leave California each year compared to any other state


    California is also in the middle of a homeless crisis......


    Unchecked illegal immigration has huge consequences half of the people fail to even acknowledge.  If you can't have an honest conversation and include all factors without resorting to emotional antidotes and name calling, then you get where we are now.

    California's sanctuary state has demolished their middle class, but the 1% feel altruistic when they are able to create more new "Americans" through open borders while not giving two shits about the middle class.


    So do you still believe there are no real costs, or is it just completely irresponsible government from the Democrats in California eliminating the middle class and increasing the homeless population exponentially?

    But lets pretend instead.

    You have major projection issues, Mr. Chicken Sandwich. CA is an incredibly expensive state with a high COL. Housing costs are astronomical. Over half the homeless are economically homeless. 900 sqft homes sell for 800k. These are all facts. You too have listed some facts. What you have failed to do, is provide causation. 

    Also ,lol at your foxnews link.  Those payments to "illegal immigrants" includes payments to US citizens... 



  9. On 5/2/2018 at 7:11 AM, ChickenSandwich said:

    I didn’t say they were not citizens and wasn’t referencing them specifically. 

    My point is if you actually stopped illegal immigration through whatever means and you secure the border (combined with a real biometric idea); opens up a ton of possibilities. 

    If we had true transparency in regards to citizenship and immigration why not allow a Mexican citizen to pay tuition to send their kids to a public school and use the money to improve it for everyone. Give more access to Mexican and American citizens, schools, doctors and jobs they have they skills for or there is demand not being met for. They go as they please and pay appropriate taxes etc. If a family wants to move to Texas (and can do so on their own dime) to send their kids to public school why not create an avenue for them to do so  that benefits everyone?  

    People are tired of paying for shadow sunken costs half the country refuses to acknowledge.   Legal immigration is a good thing when done the right way, but it is a farce and a disrespect to allow the law breakers to reap the benefits of those who do it the right way.  How do we discuss he true hard costs when we don’t even know the numbers to begin with?  The estimates were 11 million illegals in the country during the 2000s, now we acknowledge there is more than that in California alone (who has their own crisis of homeless Americans to deal with)

    None of this is possible if we keep turning a blind eye to illegal immigration and can’t secure the border. Any program that doesn’t address those two items first is destined to fail. 

    Unchecked immigration depletes recourses and creates a concrete ceiling on the lower class and eliminates the middle class. Schools, health care, law enforcement and social security all take the assault of the invasion. 

    lol at this guy. blaming the massive income/wealth gap on immigrants.  fucking tool

  10. https://www.mediaite.com/online/the-hill-scrubs-articles-by-pro-trump-group-adviser-after-mediaite-report-on-nazi-remarks/


    TLDR: Alt-righter who serves as policy advisor for America First Policies and worked on Trump’s National Hispanic Advisory Council, Trump’s National Diversity Coalition and the Trump campaign as a surrogate, is caught on camera saying "the only thing the Nazis didn't get right is they didn't keep fucking going."

  11. Those of us who support the NRA don't give a fuck about nuance.  A discount program, all association...doesn't matter.  We reject ANY infringement on gun rights, and any movement away from the NRA is a political statement that you support gun confiscation.  Ergo, go fuck yourselves.  
    Lol can't tell if serious
  12. i find it somewhat amazing that in a thread with the OP of two black dudes getting run downtown for basically no reason, people are arguing that racism is not a real mitigating factor in the lives of black people. i'm surprised some of yall don't have the stars and bars as avatars.
    No kidding. Maybe they should ask their black friend what it's like?
  13. We've always heard how LMJ can throw his curveball anywhere and at any time in the count for a strike.

    That has not been the case this season so far. He has lost all control of his curve and hasn't been able to locate it yet. Hopefully they fix the issue, but it's concerning.

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