My statement was not a sweeping defense of the fairness found in the criminal justice system, nor was it to mean that Black men receive equal treatment under the law.
My statement was in response to your post about Powell's public statements that she was coerced into a plea, but I had been seeing similar positions by other posters that this type of conduct would lead similarly situated defendants straight to the slammer.
In my experience, that is not the case. Defendants yelling at judges. Calling them "motherfuckers," "bitches," "spics" etc. I have seen defendants with social media accounts posting daily trial updates accusing judges and DAs of all sorts of illegal and untechnical behavior. DAs will bring this up to the courts, and it rarely results in more than a stern verbal admonition. I have seen protective orders, stay away orders, and other judicial orders ignored or marginally complied with. I could go downstairs this afternoon and probably see each of these in real time. They happen all the time, and they rarely, if ever, lead to someone getting locked up, unless the prosecutors file additional charges based on that conduct.