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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Foosters

  1. The kitchen speech from last night? Should have had her do it from the driver's seat of a F-150 while going 47 in a 35 wearing Oakleys
  2. I can't think of a more appropriate "Leopards Eating People's Faces" moment than voting for a guy who has a platform that will retroactively seek to strip you of US citizenship and put you on a plane to a country you've never been to.
  3. I too thought OP was crazy but then I took a deeper look at the evidence in the OP, and it's really hard to argue with that.
  4. Is this an SNL skit?
  5. How about for vets hearing voices and suffering from paranoid delusions?
  6. This is the least surprising thing I've ever read in my entire life
  7. That's valid self defense in almost any jurisdiction.
  8. Man. Was everyone ok?
  9. It can be done. I coordinate a diversion program out of a court that accepts clients charged with crimes that have a nexus between the offense and the diagnosis (can be alcoholism or addiction.) They are linked to a case manager, a program serving their individual needs, and they have regular court dates for progress reports. We just celebrated our 2000th graduation and have a non-recidivism rate of just over 90%. Services can remain in place even after the case is dismissed. Wouldn't be possible but for a statute passed by the CA leg that our office helped write and push through.
  10. Foosters

    Texas Primaries

    As someone who has very fond memories of growing up in Texas, I expressed to my wife that I would love it if our daughter went to the same summer camp that I attended every summer for 8 years. I was met with a resolute "no," and told that if she goes to summer camp in Texas, she'll befriend lots of native Texans, who will then mostly attend college in Texas and our daughter may want to do the same. Couldn't really argue. I've spent the last decade explaining that Texas isn't "that bad" and the extremists don't really represent the state, but I really don't have a leg to stand on anymore.
  11. 1) Texas players are overrated 2) Texas underutilized their immense talent 3) Texas plays such an easy schedule, anyone could win 10 4) Texas loses all of that talent next year 5) They won't come close to 10 wins next year 6) repeat ad infinitum
  12. ah yes, driveling on and on . . . with my one sentence joke. lmao
  13. I'm not equating the two, but kinda funny after you hijacked the thread to go on a "France is full of cowards" rant, that this is your response when called out,
  14. bUT hILLarY!
  15. Here's a clip of someone saying we should "kick ass and take names" here's a clip of a violent assault. Obviously the two are equal.
  16. Ok. Strange then for you to say "I wonder what she was saying? Probably something about "accepting the results" and "oh well fair is fair"" Which is all I was responding to. That said, now that you've corrected the record, please read pages 3-10 and compare Trump's actions to Hillary's remarks.
  17. Please read pages 3-10. When done, I'd be interested to hear how that compares to Hillary's hypothetical statements that you assume are equal. https://storage.courtlistener.com/recap/gov.uscourts.cacd.841840/gov.uscourts.cacd.841840.260.0.pdf
  18. If I were to show that a DA's office was rife with cronyism, favoritism, and nepotism; or that there were shady financial dealings happening within, should those individuals be appropriately punished? Or should any defendant who was prosecuted by a said employee have their convictions thrown out and be released from custody? Because I think we're inventing a new industry here. Forget challenging the conviction on its face. Just hire a private investigator, dig up dirt on the DA, and then allege that the impropriety should result in a reversal. As a defense attorney, I'm on board.
  19. You might be underthinking it. As a trial attorney, there are always a few things that the opposing counsel will go after if they apply to my witness: 1) Is witness being paid by the defense? 2) Does the witness have a prior crime of moral turpitude on their record? 3) Has the witness been caught lying on the stand? Of all 3, the last one is by far the worst. And usually that takes the form of showing, via circumstantial evidence, that something the witness said is untrue. Rarely, if ever, have I seen a witness take the stand with an actual conviction for perjury on their record. If you were a juror, why would you trust a single word that comes out of the mouth of someone who will have to admit that on a prior occasion, after taking an oath (exactly like the oath he just took in front of you), he intentionally lied on the stand? In fact, as a juror, you will be instructed by the judge that due to the witness's prior lies, you are free to disregard every single word that comes out of the their mouth.
  20. Um what are you doing promoting that account?
  21. Chainsaws and chainsaw training
  22. Ah yes, maybe facts will change his mind
  23. Ah, there he is Welcome back, Sack.
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