I don't have a problem with city's using their powers of enforcement - including the criminal code - to deter and stop drug dealing and other criminal activity. But as you know, we spent an entire decade going HARD after drug dealers and the accompanying crime, and it never really seemed to make a dent. It didn't drive drugs and drug use to other cities. It just created a revolving door to the jails and prisons. Is the only difference now that because of the housing crisis these sales, use, and accompanying crime are taking place on Main street instead of flop houses on the east side of town? Honest question.
I 100% agree. It hurts to walk through Downtown LA every day and walk by people having active mental health crises. Its sad that I don't feel comfortable taking my child, my wife, and, shit, sometimes myself to various parts of the city due to the crisis. I'm moving more towards loosening the requirements for involuntary commitment, with accompanying due process safeguards, but I still don't think the criminal justice system is the answer.
If a municipality allows one of its citizens to matriculate through k-12 with untreated mental illness, when DCFS (overburdened and underfunded) overlooks years of abuse and neglect, when the education of that citizen solely consists of sticking that person in the back of a 38 person classroom with no individual instruction or attention and passes them on year to year, and when that person needs to make $50k+ a year in order to not sleep on the street; then I would argue that municipality is not serious about protecting the quality of life of its residents. And, waiting until those years of untreated abuse, neglect, and lack of medical care erupt into a violent episode is a predictable result that should surprise no one.
That said, we both know that systemic changes on multiple fronts is a pipe dream, so perhaps the only answer truly is significantly increasing the punishments so that these crimes result in years in prison as opposed to weeks or months in county jails. Obviously I don't think that's the answer, but given enough time, it will be the answer we eventually settle on, because when all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail.