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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Foosters

  1. I wonder how many people there are under 40 who just had an extra 10K+ added to their debt AND sat out the 2016 election... Hopefully they learn something here
  2. Wait, aren't you supposed to be a lawyer?
  3. I like how only this guy had to turn sideways just so the cops could laugh and take pictures of his stupid fucking hair
  4. I've been saying for years that Build-a-Bear should release a blue collar worker line
  5. Was there a single poll going into the bowls that had us lower than 3rd?
  6. So Ani is just like TTom with a better vocabulary?
  7. Our expectation that we should be great. Because I'm sure the other blue blood programs would just be totally fine with a decade of average results? Want to see arrogant? Have Ohio State go 70-45 over the next 10 years and see how that goes over with that fan base.
  8. Everybody knows you gotta use the two-handed approach when taking on ordinary drinking glasses. No easy foe to be sure
  9. https://guide.michelin.com/us/en/california/us-los-angeles/restaurant/moo-s-craft-barbecue
  10. I love how in a message presumably meant to fire up his base, he has to address them like he's talking to a group of 7 year olds
  11. I honestly think you've managed to confuse yourself
  12. You really should stop regurgitating what you see in the right-wing info-sphere. Cash bail is still very much alive in CA. Next time you're in CA, feel free to swing by any public courthouse and watch judge after judge set cash bail. Prop 47 set the threshold amount at $950 for theft and property related crimes. Anything under $950 is a misdemeanor. You know what is is in Texas? $2500. So if you steal a bunch of shit in CA and it equals $1500, you're looking at a felony. In Texas, just a misdemeanor. You cannot argue that prop 47 encourages theft, without arguing that Texas's laws encourage more theft. And finally, your assertion that CA "refuses to prosecute" theft is another lie. Is it the prosecutors who are supposed to show up to retail stores and enforce the laws, or is there a different agency that is responsible for apprehending suspects and providing police reports/evidence? When police show up and arrest/cite someone, prosecutors file charges. Where does your confidence in your position come from? Don't you think its possible that you're being fed a bunch of bullshit?
  13. No, dummy. A link to your claim that CA has decriminalized theft. I'm eager to inform the prosecutors who are currently prosecuting my clients for theft that their actions are illegal.
  14. Foosters


    I've been using tinctures a lot lately as my dispensary has been basically giving them away with a purchase. Same deal with edibles, for me - if I don't get the dosage right, I'm kinda screwed. With a pen/flower, you can always take an extra hit or two, no problem. With tinctures, gotta wait like an hour more for that second dose to add to the 1st
  15. You're not wrong, but the VAST majority of Americans who get popped for drug related charges are in local state and county courts. Areas that are strongly Dem have passed myriad statutes addressing these issues, creating diversion courts, changes in sentencing, etc. Of course, then the complaints roll in that they're greenlighting rampant drug use in cities, so....
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