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Certifiably Surly
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Posts posted by Foosters

  1. 3 minutes ago, fattyflattie said:

    Come on man.  Just take the length on every single D, and wish death upon every R, and you'll have 10-20k rep points in a few months.  Make sure you mix in a "I wish Joe didn't get two full scoops, mix in a single" every now and then so you can talk about how hard you are on the current admin and definitely not just another D.  I used to be a R for a long time, then I got smart, is another you'll have to throw in every 5 or 10 pages.

    There's more! Every now and then the DT crowd shows up to explain why Black people are dangerous and gay people should be treated like second class citizens. I know you guys do a lot of that here in the DT, but rest assured, you can find it in the CR too!

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  2. 1 hour ago, Sbbruin said:

    After 37 years as a registered Republican (but who did not vote for Trump in '16 or '20- first time ever not voting R), I just re-registered as an independent.  Can no longer have even the loosest affiliation with this madness.

    ok groomer

    • Haha 4
  3. 5 hours ago, Harrison Bergeron said:

    She killed her daughter. I oppose the death penalty. We need to stop letting Kim Kardashian run our justice system.

      Reveal hidden contents

    For those that love playing the Race Card, if she was a white guy she'd not be in the news.


    You realize this is you playing the race card?

    • Hook 'Em 1
  4. 3 hours ago, Immaculate Vibes said:

    Twitter has a pretty massive moat in its lane of news dissemination/instant reaction punditry. That’s not going anywhere, and it’s not all political facing. There’s sports, financial news, crypto. I log on for those 3 things as much as anything. I think it’s a pretty clear path to opening up the algorithm to eliminate opaque shadow banning of some and prioritizing of others. And clean up the bots. 

    As for how far speech will be allowed to go, he said recently he thinks terms should mimic the laws regulating free speech in the country. Does he know all that entails, probably not. 

    Who gets allowed back in is another question. Dems here should pray to whoever they like and hope that Trump is let back on. It’s their best chance to deflect from current status of the country and minimize midterm losses. 

    I also think it’s pretty likely that Twitter offices in some form move to Texas. That is awesome obviously for us. Gavin Newsome and California Dems have been such a gift to our state. They made it unbearable to live and work in such a beautiful state as California. Unbelievable. 

    We’ll look back in 10-20 years and be amazed at what a windfall they gave us by pushing so much industry away. Tesla, SpaceX, Twitter just from the Elon sphere. Add all the other business not linked to Elon.

    You're such a fucking idiot

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  5. 1 hour ago, RomaVicta said:

    Maybe DeSantis will make it all the way to the Superbowl!

    Your post reads as though all you have is a rooting interest in seeing your team win. What aspect of DeSantis makes you celebrate the rise to power you predict? How do you see him improving the republic?

    And please, no pablum about restricting the size of government or fiscal responsibility without being very specific. Nobody believes that any more. Consider the actions of his that have brought him to fame. What is your stand?

    He doesn't respond. He comes on here to troll. Just neg and move on.

    • Hook 'Em 3
  6. 1 minute ago, fattyflattie said:

    The GOP supports that?  Maybe somewhere you could show me. I trust you, just want to verify.  

    I thought we were doing the thing where we derail the thread and pretend that acts by lone nutjobs represent an entire political movement?

    Only you get to do that?

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  7. Have any of you ever talked to a Trans person? Asked them what their life was like as a child and teenager?

    I remember watching a video of a family friend's trans son opening up a present on Christmas morning. This 5 year old girl asked for one thing from Santa that year - a men's suit and tie. Watching him hold up that drab, charcoal suit you'd have thought it was the most sought after toy of the season. BTW, this was before he announced he was trans. Family just thought she was a tomboy.


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  8. 2 hours ago, Codaxx said:

    The problem was that class was slow. Cook, Jamison, and Green were the CBS. I believe Green played safety last year and Cook is playing safety now. Jamison has his issues, but at least he was athletic enough to stick at CB. 

    Pretty amazing when you think about it. All these camps. All these scouts. All the film. And a bunch of high 4 stars don't even possess baseline athleticism to play the position. Wasn't Cook briefly a 5 star?

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