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Certifiably Surly
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Posts posted by Foosters

  1. 16 minutes ago, Longhornlove said:

    Not surprised you feel this way honestly. This is what our world has become and it is driven from the MSM and the Democrat party. The left doesn't have foreign or domestic enemies, it has political enemies. If I disagree with you, I'm canceled, de-platformed, silenced, labeled a racist, Russian Agent, homophobe, transphobe and the list goes on. It is a form of totalitarianism and it is constantly applauded and cheered on. It is quite disturbing to me.

    Totalitarianism is a form of government that attempts to assert total control over the lives of its citizens. It is characterized by strong central rule that attempts to control and direct all aspects of individual life through coercion and repression. It does not permit individual freedom.

    Don't you guys have more books to ban?

    • Hook 'Em 2
  2. 14 hours ago, DaggerHorns said:

    There are have people that have lost their jobs in both normal work conditions, tv hosting, and numerous other examples throughout our country. As much as I hate newer terms, the term “cancel culture” is there for an actual reason.

    These issues did not exist in previous generations. We also did not have the far reach of idiotic social media. This is absolutely attributed to more recent generations.

    I can see this clearly bothers you for someone to endorse more free thinking schools of thought.

    If you were to compare me to something you could’ve chosen Bob Marley or Rage Against the Machine, but instead you went with your favorite website which is ironically the opposite of freedom of speech or unbridled thought.

    These issues did not exist in previous generations?

    Maybe ask someone who was openly gay, politically leftist, pro-labor, or anti-war during the first 90 years of the 20th century how things went for them. Was that not cancel culture?


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  3. 1 hour ago, Hugo Stiglitz said:

    Most of the bad laws made in this country are made for purely political reasons and not to better society or to solve an actual problem. This is one of those laws. There isn’t a gay agenda in the classroom of kindergarteners. 

    He knows that. He gets off on the infliction of pain. 

    God forbid a child of his ever struggles with sexual or gender identity. 

  4. 10 minutes ago, BabaYaga said:

    Ukraine "had" a history of Nazi sympathizers, but this weak sauce no longer holds water (as we all know).  I think he's justified this so many times in his head, that this is a legitimate thought to him.  

    Am I wrong, or wasn't @Shady Ray on here weeks before the invasion discussing Germany's reluctance to arm Ukraine precisely because of the optics of German weapons ending up in Ukrainian forces adorned in Nazi and SS imagery.

  5. Here in LA, where we defunded the police and we devolved into a post-apocalyptic hell-scape, where things are the same as ever: Half of the Covid-19 relief funds sent to the City of LA ended up in the pockets of the police.

    Also, the LAPD budget for 2022 represents a 12% increase over the 2021 budget. 

    I guess we'll see a drop in crime this year as we all know, More Police = Less Crime.



    Roughly half of all COVID-19 relief funds sent to the City of Los Angeles last year under the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) quietly went into the pockets of police officers while members of the public called for resources to be diverted away from law enforcement. City officials say the spending was necessary and fits within the guidelines outlined in the legislation.

    The city was awarded roughly $1.3 billion under the ARPA, the trillion-dollar economic stimulus package championed by the Biden administration, providing checks and unemployment benefits to millions of Americans. According to city officials, $680 million was transferred to the city last year, with about $317 million going to the Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD) for “payroll expenditures,” according to city officials.

    Outside of public safety, the city has reported spending less than $13 million on grants to support local businesses and boost hiring in underserved areas.


    • Rage+1 3
  6. 8 minutes ago, MaybeACoordinator said:

    Doesn't quite look like that in Houston, though I guess the Chinese seem more numerous because they are almost all in one (huge) area. As LL points out, Taiwanese are probably counted differently and others are Viet-Chinese. (Houston's Chinatown seems to run, east to west, Chinese-VietChinese-Viet). Add in tens of thousands of Filipinos who (to me at least) are hard to tell at a glance from South Chinese (no waicis) and I overestimate the number.

    On the other hand there are lots of Pakistanis in Houston that led me to believe the Indian number might be smaller than it is. 

    Man we have a lot of immigrants. It's surprising that Nigerians don't even make the top 5.

    How can you tell which are foreign-born?

  7. 1 minute ago, MaybeACoordinator said:

    when I become a racist, anti-Semitic, slanderous, steroid gobbling gun nut with a tank and a mansion, the transformation will be complete, mwahaha

    The difference between Alex and me is he's all hung up in the Second Amendment and I am the First. And the First is being fucked with right now in ways the Founders never could have imagined.


    • Haha 3
  8. 8 minutes ago, TurkeyChew said:

    It’s my position that a minority or dissenting POV and opinion should be tolerated, if truthfully held and respectfully given. It can only help the discussion, right? What’s it hurt you? You have to read something you disagree with? 

    And if that position sees children taken from parents, or parents charged criminally for violating my closely held beliefs, then so be it.

  9. 3 minutes ago, wildcat09 said:

    *Accuses political opponents of grooming children*

    "Whoa your heated response is so out of line!"

    Oh, I didn't mean grooming like that.

    Also, why do these liberals keep wanting to molest* my children when they don't listen in class?

    *Of course I mean "bother." Why would you think I meant it like that?

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  10. 10 minutes ago, TurkeyChew said:

    Just like normalizing hetero relationships; there are no inherent problems, unless they conflict with your value and belief system. I think it's for each person to decide on their own; you and I are not and should not be anyone else's moral compass. And certainly public school should not be where people look for moral or spiritual development.

    Why are you so committed to arguing in favor of a bill that you so clearly detest?

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