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Everything posted by Otter

  1. They weren't trying too hard
  2. Make sure the box is big enough to fit Beck too
  3. I'd rather be on the menstrual train. At least then, we'd only have to deal with the insanity for one week a month. We're all stuck on the Hermenstrual train with a psychopathic conductor who's heading full apeed ahead towards the collapsed bridge while all the engineers around him are begging for him to apply the brakes. This should turn out well.
  4. Maybe they misspelled masturbator
  5. No shit. Does anyone in Belmont know how to use the Google machine? That interview convinces me that this dude doesn't have the maturity and cojones necessary to run the Texas football program. One day the pressure is going to push him too far, he's going to self-destruct, and it's going to be ugly as hell. Fuck me.
  6. A few people on here made reference to an interview Herman did while he was still in Houston, so I got curious and searched for it. Holy hell is it embarrassing. While listening to it I was utterly speechless at how incredibly juvenile and petty he comes across. Who talks to sports media this way? Did anyone at all do any due diligence before hiring this clown? It's 20 minutes long and I promise worth every minute. Don't just read this article, listen to the interview all the way to the end because he closes with a doozy, and like me, you'll be floored that somebody thought it was a good idea to make this titty baby the Head Coach of The University of Texas football team. I can't believe I was stupid enough to buy all the hype. https://thebiglead.com/2016/01/06/tom-herman-called-into-houston-radio-to-yell-at-hosts/
  7. Is it too late to return Mensa to U of H and get a refund?
  8. You can have a high IQ and still be a dipshit
  9. I don't get on here during games so I can focus on the game itself. I was so pissed after the debacle on Saturday I couldn't bear to come on here after the game. Now I'm reading this thread for the first time that was started early in the game against a state named after a chick. After 3 pages, I'm getting PTSD reliving the nightmare. Fuck Fraud Herman.
  10. Yep, and then Baylor hired the Temple head coach right after. And if it turns out that Baylor made the better coaching hire than us AGAIN, I'll probably commit seppuku.
  11. Yep. Fucking Baylor's coach won the AAC championship that year. And we hired the dude that tied for 5th place. Fucking brilliant.
  12. This right here. I keep hearing stories from people that have interacted with him how awkward, strange, and insecure the dude is. Then I got to thinking about his track record. The dude finished tied for 5th place in the AAC his final season. FIFTH. PLACE. Why the fuck did we get excited to hire that mediocre shit??
  13. "It's time for a bold change in strategy, Tom. Next game, try not to suck."
  14. And Minnesota wins 48 to 10 over New Mexico State. I don't know about y'all, but I'm ready to row the damn boat.
  15. Those attractive young male aides that Boren always has by his side must have given him quite the workout the previous night. You know, at the gym.
  16. No idea. I just know he's a thieving asshole just like his daddy Ketchup, who the word is stole money from that charity golf tournament. They belong together. http://mugshots.com/US-Counties/Texas/Williamson-County-TX/John-Alexander-Dunlap.61048605.html I bet on the rare occasion that Ketchup searches under his FUPA long enough to find his teensy-weensy pecker, his bitchboy Dunlap is more than happy to offer him some juicy bunghole. Or so I've heard.
  17. Here's Ketchup's bitch boy Alex "NFL" Dunlap after he got arrested for being a thieving prick. Yeah I'm gonna pay 9.95 to read what this assclown has to say.
  18. Now I'm really surly
  19. Yep still nothing
  20. Wait this is my 50th post. Badass
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