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  1. 18 years. $120. Whereโ€™s the Irish whisky thread? Thanks in advance.
  2. "From the outside looking in, you can't understand it. And from the inside looking out, you can't explain it" - Anonymous
  3. I wonder how those players, coaches and team managers work, walk, shower, laugh and go about their daily business in the same places where minors were unapologetically taken advantage of and sexually violated. The idea of existing in the same space where absolute evil took place would disgust me.
  4. Purchased. Hopefully I donโ€™t get too โ€˜faced before the game.
  5. Hereโ€™s your album cover
  6. Jesus. 8T4 is gonna win this game and then we will have to hear about how theyโ€™re the top of the class in the SEC
  7. Id ground that opzelura bitch right in her crumb chute. Edit: fuk you ATXbronco
  8. My ball trajectory never deflected from your mom. And that was without a Trojan.
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