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  1. Roast me all you want….i wanted Beard back….
  2. [emoji461]️ Immaculate Grid 719 8/9: Rarity: 251 🟩🟩🟩 🟩[emoji833]️🟩 🟩🟩🟩 Play at: https://immaculategrid.com
  3. Pre-ordered the Benjamin James Scarifour a few months back. I only knew of the brand because of this thread. After about 4 months of waiting it was delivered this morning. Got the quartz version of the watch because with no second hand I didn’t see any reason for paying the additional cost associated. I love the color variant I chose. The bracelet wears nicely and the clasp holds firm. Not much else to say as the specs on the watch are on par with the price point. But I didn’t purchase the watch for horological superiority. I bought it simply because, IMO, it looks fantastic.
  4. Final decision. I feel like you should always go with the pick. I’ll go back and grab the Madeira on Monday.
  5. Or should I just get 2 bottles of this this instead? Store pick.
  6. I defer to surly. Madeira cask or batch proof?
  7. Biggie The Opian
  8. I turned an unassisted triple play on your mom.
  9. Would love to hear the TW somm opinion on his picks. I know there was a poster pushing Iron Root quite a bit. Tried it and was beyond mildly disappointed. Hopefully not the same guy.
  10. Funny you both say that. I walked down the aisle and saw the same bottle readily available on the shelf. Not behind the glass case. That was a quick tell and I kept it moving. Also funny I went with a turkey product. The TW picks of this have never been wrong. Absolutely love rare breed and Kentucky spirit. I’m a big turkey fan. But I always love it when the Russel’s picks come out.
  11. Currently at TW. Never had this and wondering if it’s worth the coin.
  12. 18 years. $120. Where’s the Irish whisky thread? Thanks in advance.
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