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Everything posted by Txslnghrns

  1. Roast me all you want….i wanted Beard back….
  2. [emoji461]️ Immaculate Grid 719 8/9: Rarity: 251 🟩🟩🟩 🟩[emoji833]️🟩 🟩🟩🟩 Play at: https://immaculategrid.com
  3. Pre-ordered the Benjamin James Scarifour a few months back. I only knew of the brand because of this thread. After about 4 months of waiting it was delivered this morning. Got the quartz version of the watch because with no second hand I didn’t see any reason for paying the additional cost associated. I love the color variant I chose. The bracelet wears nicely and the clasp holds firm. Not much else to say as the specs on the watch are on par with the price point. But I didn’t purchase the watch for horological superiority. I bought it simply because, IMO, it looks fantastic.
  4. Final decision. I feel like you should always go with the pick. I’ll go back and grab the Madeira on Monday.
  5. Or should I just get 2 bottles of this this instead? Store pick.
  6. I defer to surly. Madeira cask or batch proof?
  7. Biggie The Opian
  8. I turned an unassisted triple play on your mom.
  9. Would love to hear the TW somm opinion on his picks. I know there was a poster pushing Iron Root quite a bit. Tried it and was beyond mildly disappointed. Hopefully not the same guy.
  10. Funny you both say that. I walked down the aisle and saw the same bottle readily available on the shelf. Not behind the glass case. That was a quick tell and I kept it moving. Also funny I went with a turkey product. The TW picks of this have never been wrong. Absolutely love rare breed and Kentucky spirit. I’m a big turkey fan. But I always love it when the Russel’s picks come out.
  11. Currently at TW. Never had this and wondering if it’s worth the coin.
  12. 18 years. $120. Where’s the Irish whisky thread? Thanks in advance.
  13. "From the outside looking in, you can't understand it. And from the inside looking out, you can't explain it" - Anonymous
  14. I wonder how those players, coaches and team managers work, walk, shower, laugh and go about their daily business in the same places where minors were unapologetically taken advantage of and sexually violated. The idea of existing in the same space where absolute evil took place would disgust me.
  15. Purchased. Hopefully I don’t get too ‘faced before the game.
  16. Here’s your album cover
  17. Jesus. 8T4 is gonna win this game and then we will have to hear about how they’re the top of the class in the SEC
  18. Cuz she was struggling with my hog.
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