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Everything posted by Txslnghrns

  1. So I have to get this off my chest....when the “ulcer” in Columbus was mentioned to Urban, IMO, he did a practiced, rehearsed reaction. The lean in. The “whaaaatttt?!” After....There is a little smirk in there which made me uncomfortable. If he played poker you would call it a tell. I, like many here, at first blush got chubbed up. But upon further review....I saw it and it didn’t feel right. I was hoping beyond hope to get urban here. And I’m not ready to call it. But if it has been called....then I don’t want my AD to sit idly by and let someone who isn’t even yet associated with the university start calling the shots. Fuck THAT guy. I’ll only give so much. When you start dragging me out....#WellByeGif
  2. Been married for 15 years. If I’m not mistaken tho....I wanna say I read that Cohn could polish you up real good. Just because I don’t think she’s attractive doesn’t mean I’m gonna pass up some neck if she offered.
  3. I always appreciated Kaylee Hartung.
  4. Tafoya and Kolber are acceptable. But how anyone could find Linda Cohn attractive is.....well I just don’t see it.
  5. Txslnghrns

    2020 Drunk Thread

    I still got another 2-3 hours left in me......
  6. Gutsy to keep running the ball on this last drive. Overcame some long 3rd downs (risky) but paid off on the time clock.
  7. Leading with the helmet call on DeShon was bullshit...but still....fuck that guy. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  8. Muthrfukr!!! I wanted to watch this game but I can’t tolerate listening to Beth Mowins for 3+ hours!!!
  9. Practice will be great tomorrow and we probably still have the best scoring offense in the nation, right?
  10. Why do these guys keep flexing like they did something? You’re losing the fukn ballgame!!
  11. Possession to end half. Zero. Opening possession second half. Zero. And of course OU takes the lead. Incompetence. I know I’m stating the blatantly obvious but JTFC.
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