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Left Coast

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Everything posted by Left Coast

  1. I am still laughing so hard at the guy who wore his work badge to storm the capitol. It’s just idiocy multiplied by stupidity squared.
  2. If he pardons himself, does that mean he can’t run in 2024? If so, I say go for it.... If there is a 100% chance this asshole can never be president again, pardon away. NY will get him anyway...
  3. Tick tick tick motherfucker. 19 days... he can feel it.
  4. Can someone give me a Cliff’s Notes version of what these idiots think is going to happen with this “plan”? Wil E Coyote had better luck with Acme Corp products than these guys have with their plans.
  5. The only thing I took out of that rant is that they are finally admitting 80 million people voted for Biden.
  6. I say appoint a couple of republican senators to the cabinet, like Johnson or Toomey for the department of who gives a shit, for and Susan Collins to the Department of Furrowed Brows or whatever.
  7. And talk about “succeeding”.
  8. Ha ha never mind.
  9. UCLA turning the corner with Chip? Looking good so far.
  10. When we cheat, we cheat bigly. None of this few thousand votes shit. Millions.
  11. Do any of the MAGA idiots know the difference between “succeed” and “secede”? (Obvious answer: no, because why would any of them know what succeed means?) I really and truly hope they keep their promises to stop procreating, stop voting, and create a separate country. It would solve quite a number of problems.
  12. So we can just create websites for made up states now? And add them to the US because they have a website? And lol at the borders of “New California”; Now let’s compare to actual vote results: As usual, dumbshits severely overestimate the appeal of Trumpland in this state.
  13. Looks like Andrew Yang will be running for mayor of NYC.... https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.nytimes.com/2020/12/11/nyregion/andrew-yang-mayor-new-york.amp.html Is Andrew Yang Running for Mayor? All Signs Point to Yes The former Democratic presidential candidate is meeting with New York City power brokers and telling them he intends to enter the race to succeed Bill de Blasio.
  14. If you are in an argument and have Mississippi, Oklahoma, and West Virginia on your side, you are on the wrong side.
  15. Texas files the suit and then is joined by: Missouri, Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Indiana, Kansas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Montana, Nebraska, North Dakota, Oklahoma, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Utah and West Virginia. It’s like looking at a states’ version of a basket of deplorables. Great company to keep there, Texas. Not even fucking Idaho joined in.
  16. Let... the rivers run!!!
  17. Well, it seems she may surprise a few people: https://www.latimes.com/politics/story/2020-11-30/supreme-court-casts-doubt-on-trumps-bid-to-exclude-from-census-immigrants-in-u-s-illegally But none of the justices sounded prepared to endorse Trump’s policy, and two of Trump’s appointees — Justices Brett M. Kavanaugh and Amy Coney Barrett — told an administration lawyer they doubted the legality of excluding millions of long-time residents from the census count. Barrett said that the Constitution’s wording and original history called for counting all residents, and that that has been the unbroken practice for more than two centuries. Additionally the 14th Amendment says political power will be divided among the states after counting “the whole number of persons in each state.” ADVERTISEMENT Barrett said the law has defined “persons” as those who reside in the state, not just citizens or voters. “If an undocumented person has been in the country for 20 years, even if illegally, why wouldn’t that person have a settled residence here?” Barrett told acting Solicitor Gen. Jeffrey Wall. “And you concede that illegal aliens have never been excluded as a category from the census,” she added.
  18. Wait, wasn’t this “kraken day”? Did I miss it?!? Or was the meeting in the Executive Board Room of the Gettysburg Super 8 the “kraken”?
  19. That’s exactly why Parler is suppressing it: they know that their users are idiots.
  20. Agreed. While having flashes of complete stupidity before that, the “Four Seasons” press conference (as Biden was being declared the President-Elect) truly crystallized the level of incompetence that was going to do battle in court. Not even Briscoe Cain could save the day...
  21. Ha ha, as Biden is getting sworn in on January 20th, they’ll still be typing “it’s all part of the plan”, “we got them right where we want them” etc etc...
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