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Left Coast

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Everything posted by Left Coast

  1. The Big 10 is getting so fucking lucky getting UW/UO/USC/UCLA next year. Iowa beat Wisconsin 15-6 today. Watching something like that sounds like a punishment vs the UW/UO game (or vs any game for that matter).
  2. This is why I’m going to miss “PAC 12 after dark” after this year. Crazy ass results that make you go “whaaa??” when you wake up.
  3. Right, because Pullman, Boulder, Salt Lake City and Corvallis are garden spots in November?
  4. Brent Venables pays at grocery stores using personal checks. And doesn’t start to write the check until all the food is scanned.
  5. Didn’t this thread start (way back in the Shaggy days) as something like “Clemson to the SEC talk not going away”? Or something similar? I’m pretty sure I remember Clemson was the original subject before it became a more general “realignment” thread. it’s hilarious that (probably) dozens of schools have changed conferences since this thread was started on Shaggy, and yet Clemson is still sitting in the ACC with its thumb up its ass.
  6. Not sure that the SEC is Texas-ready tho…
  7. Yeah that seems like made up bullshit to me. Conference tournaments and championships are decided by the conferences, not the NCAA And if this was a rule (which I seriously doubt) it would apply to UT and OU too.
  8. Don’t forget that Cal, the welfare queen, also gets a cut from UCLA’s B1G money of anywhere between $2m-$10m per year.
  9. Why would the networks (who paid a kajillion dollars for the broadcast rights) schedule a game at 10p Eastern that would reduce the audience size that much? I get that the geography is stupid, but let’s get serious. 10p Eastern or 9a Pacific kickoffs (for Eastern/Pacific teams) won’t be the norm.
  10. Thank god the Pac 12 Network is dead after this year. The PAC’s downfall is directly related to the idiotic decision to go it alone on the cable network. Hoping UCLA surprises me and finishes higher than “meh” but not optimistic without DTR.
  11. On my way to Vegas from SoCal. Had to pack umbrella and jacket for Vegas in August. WTF
  12. USC, UCLA, UO and UW were great gets for the B1G (especially the latter 2 at clearance sale prices). What don’t you think is “quality” about those pick ups?
  13. The B1G has already said no more divisions, so you don’t need to waste your time coming up with potential divisions. They already made it clear that each team will have anywhere from 0-3 protected “rivalries” and with the addition of UW and Oregon it’s obvious that they will be protected rivals of each other. The interesting question will be if they make UW/UO “protected rivals” of USC/UCLA too. On the one hand that would reduce West Coast travel for the rest of the B1G. On the other I can imagine USC especially not liking that since there seems to be some animosity with Oregon (and not in a “friendly rivalry” kind of way).
  14. * oh and if you die you don’t get paid anything ** oh and even if you live you don’t get paid anything
  15. What are the odds that the RV park portion is the only part that actually gets built?
  16. Of course he is literally the son of a Karen.
  17. Yeah because the Russians are known for forgiving and forgetting.
  18. This is better than Christmas, and Ukraine couldn’t have asked for a better distraction than the drunk dude taking swings at the bouncers.
  19. Yeah I picked a shitty week to come to NYC. Being from LA, I’m very aware of what wildfires smell like, and it definitely has that smell. Before we landed I told my colleague that I had experienced every type of weather in my visits to New York. I was wrong, definitely wasn’t expecting this! (NYC is still amazing tho)
  20. At least they’ll pay for the impacted employees to move back. But yeah I know from first-hand experience a lot of employees quit rather than move to the shithole that is Florida. Many of them really loved working for Disney. And yes Chapek was/is a gigantic tool.
  21. Disney just fucked DeSantis even further: Disney Ends Plans to Relocate Thousands of Employees to New Florida Campus https://www.wsj.com/articles/disney-ends-plans-to-relocate-thousands-of-employees-to-new-florida-campus-ca68a49e?mod=mhp
  22. You underestimate just how shitty the weather is at the PAC schools outside of LA and the Bay Area.
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