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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Blotto

  1. Ya think? McAfee already released a half-assed apology of sorts, but because he's a fucking potato it probably wasn't the apology the Disney brass were looking for. What Rodgers said wasn't simply a case of "disagreeing with someone's opinion" you dumb fuck. You're not on barstool any longer, so you might wanna learn how that "talkin shit" stuff works. Or don't.
  2. Aaron Rodgers is a fucking tool. The only thing that could have made his injury more amusing to me is if he tripped coming out of the tunnel pregame and ripped his achilles before the season even started.
  3. Not too much fan goon footage this NFL season. seems like a down year for stupidity, as hard as that is to believe.
  4. Lulz, lower level seats between the end zones starting at $250 incl fees on the udub side and $475 on the Texas side. I'm sure they made out like bandits a few weeks ago, but I hope the brokers get fucked with their remaining inventory.
  5. what the fuck got into Stanford yesterday? No wins over anyone with a pulse heading into the game, and then stomp all over Zona's nuts by 18. Shooting 64% from deep helps, I guess
  6. Yeah that was a pretty throw by Love.
  7. Amusingly enough, I think Kinne's roster was second to CU in roster turnover with around ~ 40 portal guys and 15 HS recruits. He was arguably more successful than Deion with that approach, but obviously played a much easier schedule.
  8. lulz at that fucktarded pass call
  9. Watching Chris Johnson attempt to score reminds me my days running it at Eastwood's park.
  10. Its crunch time. You need to somehow get ahold of the Glengarry Clemgarry leads. You can move some product to those fucknuts
  11. He's the only aggy winning shit over there. Fill up that empty ass hall of champions with dozens of those co-op statues. I'd be curious what they could do with that meat smirk.
  12. You have any livestock you don't like? Aggy tend to be coinslot operated.
  13. I noticed that as well, which tells me ticket prices haven't hit bottom yet.
  14. Well then she's in perfect shape
  15. Here's another ~1000 words that sound an awful like the declaration of an aggy moral victory.
  16. He could do it in two if he wants it bad enough. Two humiliating ass whippings by Texas and he can be in the Turks and Caicos before the 2025 bowl season.
  17. He's the one dude on that campus seemingly capable of success and that smirk tells me he's probably banging any chick (or dude) on that shithole campus he wants. If aggy had any sense they would make him the next chancellor. Narrator: "WTF you talking about, Willis? Aggy has no sense" Why in the hell would that fat fucktard be any better than the last 4 or 5 coaches they hired. Aggy ineptitude is systemic and far beyond the ability of some meathead coach to unfuck.
  18. That's one hell of a dump. I didnt even know they had Panchos in China
  19. Apparently he turned up a day or two ago. He'll likely make it to '24 now.
  20. When you coach in the land of mullets, you have no choice, even with male pattern baldness.
  21. Wonder? For as long as I've been aware of Deion Sanders its been blatantly clear that the most important thing in Deion's life has been the promotion of Deion Sanders.
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