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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Blotto

  1. He certainly doesn't suffer from indecisiveness.
  2. It is nowhere close to being the oldest arena in the NBA (https://arenadigest.com/2020/01/08/nba-arenas-oldest-to-newest-2020-update/) Its also not the smallest (https://sports.betmgm.com/en/blog/nba/biggest-nba-arenas-ranking-nba-arenas-by-capacity-bm05/). But other than that, your first sentence is spot on.
  3. I have a hard time believing someone signed up for the Corps and didn't expect to be strung up like a pig and tenderized by a classmates cock and balls.
  4. UCLA will never regain the success they had under Wooden's cheating ass, but that's a ridiculous comparison. Cronin is a good coach and there aren't too many teams that have done better than F4, S16, S16 the last three seasons.
  5. I'm starting to see him ahead of Worthy in some mock drafts.
  6. You're right, it could actually be a status symbol. I imagine the perfect aggy ring day involves jumping into your overalls and taking a picture at that giant ring on campus, going to the chicken and dunking the ring in a pitcher of beer, and then sucking off a couple random dudes in the chicken shithouse. True redasses hire a professional photographer to document the moment appropriately.
  7. Fuck that. She needs to deliver Austin the power couple we deserve and get back with Romeo f'n Rose.
  8. Lulz, fuck Mahomes. Amazing QB, but also an insufferable dildo. Can't believe the Broncos have a shot after their 1-5 start.
  9. FIFS. He's going to look at Christmas lights, for fucks sake.
  10. Stop being such a douchebag, westside. It's a discussion board where people can voice different opinions. Some of us think the contract is a risk, and we stated that. Nobody fucking cares how disappointed you are that not everybody agrees with you.
  11. We aren't a smart species. The science is pretty clear, and people still line up to bash their heads together. And plenty of us pay good money to watch it happen.
  12. Blotto

    Blanda: The GOAT

    Crazy that his career FG% was just under 53% and he was employed as a kicker for 26 years. That position has come a long ways since his playing days.
  13. Family is donating his brain for study. If the information in this reddit thread is accurate, CTE has been wrecking his life for awhile. https://www.reddit.com/r/nfl/comments/18f998w/former_titans_te_frank_wycheck_hero_of_music_city/
  14. Pfff...they're no Buckcherry
  15. Ohtani's mystique is the two way nature of his game. If you look at just his batting WAR ratings, he's 3rd on the dodgers based on last year's numbers. I'll give you he's huge in Japan, but the US attn span is fickle. Pujols went from hero to zero in a few years and he was a far better offensive talent in STL than Ohtani has ever shown. If he doesn't pitch, that contract is a bust.
  16. The shade would come in handy for those 2:30 kickoffs.
  17. Those oregon booty shorts were something else. Felt like I was in an anatomy class
  18. Don't forget your cape handler
  19. Again, that's assuming he resumes his ways as a dominant two way player. If he doesn't make it all the way back as a pitcher, he's a career .274 hitter that averages 28 HRs a year. He won't be nearly the attraction he is now, and will be turning 30 next summer. Its a gamble that he can come back and pitch, and he probably can, but lets not pretend there isnt a certain amount of risk here.
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