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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Blotto

  1. Reese is the definition of WNBA hot. If her eyes migrate any further to the side of her head, she'll be a fish.
  2. Agreed. He's going up against too much talent to fuck around and win one of these when he's only playing ~15-20 rounds a year.
  3. Lulz. The dude has yet to break par all year.
  4. Blotto

    Mr Gatti's

    My soph year, the house across the street from us housed 3 employees of the Duval location of DD. Huge stoners that were all RTF majors grinding about 6hrs per semester. If any of those guys were working, we could just walk in grab a plate and smash that buffet. We could also grab a pitcher, walk behind the counter and fill em up. The manager for that location was a huge coke head, so he was never around and our buddies pretty much ran the joint. I hate to think how many pepperoni rolls I ate that year. Free food/drink is the best food/drink when you're a broke student.
  5. Here's a Venn diagram of people that will own those shoes and people who own a CyberTruck
  6. Did WV recently undergo some magical transformation I wasn't aware of?
  7. He shot .422/.323/.534 in his pro career averaging 1.7 ppg, so I think its safe to assume he was just a shitty offensive player. But the fact that he managed a 12 year pro career with those abysmal shooting stats means you didn't keep him around for his scoring prowess.
  8. I had no idea they were still a thing. But lulz at the idea of Kid Rock or the Nuge cancelling a show after suggesting violence. Shit that's typically the close in the second encore.
  9. I've got 3 tons of paste in a storage unit off of burnet. Who wants in on my Ivermectin Soup Bucket startup? **partnership investment will require purchasing 10% share (minimum). Offer limited to the first 25 responders.
  10. So would trying to suck Putin's cock in public, but that seems to be de rigueur for the GQP today as well.
  11. Blotto

    Bronny James

    It will require a nuanced PR campaign to highlight his superior abilities but at the same time carefully manage expectations. I know just the man to orchestrate it
  12. Blotto

    Bronny James

    I was on the ESPN NBA homepage a couple of days ago, and there was no shit a "Teaser" headline to a highlight video that said something like "bronny throws down layup"
  13. Blotto

    Bronny James

    Someone in that thread asked MSCopilot to write an article about bronny's domination on/off the court
  14. Its because these fucking dipshits think it's perfectly normal to own 57 weapons while masturbating to each other playing pew-pew soldier boy.
  15. I lived there (in the city, east side by the lake) for a couple of years right out of school. Most racially segregated city I have spent time in, so the R's should feel right at home.
  16. oof. Here's Polk's analysis which is the only recap I've seen
  17. In Jimbo's case, it means you can pay someone else to fuck your trophy while you watch.
  18. You gotta hand it to the GQP, their messaging is far more effective than whatever the fuck it is the democrats are rolling out. Good job, good effort.
  19. Jimbo taking that paycheck for killing aggy's hopes and dreams and moved onto something marginally more difficult The third pick is the one that cracks me up
  20. Lulz at nancy trading those stocks. Those are her husband's trades
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