There are, but the naked truth is that for so many of these "moderate Republicans" who held their nose and voted for Trump, white supremacy and/or greed was a higher priority for them than voting their political conscience or just simply not voting affirmatively for either candidate.
I have a cousin who was a hot-shot Travis Co prosecutor for 20+ years and was let go in the Margaret Moore purge of DA's office. She was always a Republican, grew up with a hardcore Republican father and never really wanted for anything in her life. Whip-smart, graduated high school early and got her degree in like two years or so from UT back in the 80's and went on to law school, eventually pursuing a career as a law enforcement officer where she sent many, many people to prison for child sex crimes, family violence, and murder. She prosecuted high profile crimes in Travis County, a few of which have been discussed in this forum and the old site, a couple that resulted in death penalty verdicts, and one high-profile case that resulted in an innocent person spending twenty years in prison on bullshit "scientific evidence" only to be exonerated and released a couple of years ago. By all accounts she had a successful career and was a powerful, connected lawyer who could have parlayed her time at the DA's office into a lucrative private practice. She was the quintessential Liz Cheney-ish Republican, someone who staunchly believed in law-and-order to the point where she took less money to be a public servant because she truly believed in her role as an advocate for victims of violent crime. This motivation was always something she spoke of and believed in, to the point where I think it blinded her to inequities in the justice system, but she was also someone who I saw as a fair-minded, objective lawyer who believed in the Constitution and law and order.
I found out recently through family that she voted for Trump and it absolutely blew my mind to the point where she has become the embodiment in my mind of every white woman Trump voter. She is not stupid or uninformed, especially on matters of law, and I assumed that even though she was lifelong Republican voter, she saw Trump as a complete moron and embarrassment to the Republican party and a threat to the law-and-order system she swore an oath to defend. I assumed that Trump's actions on Jan 6h were a bridge too far for even her Republican brain to validate in the voting booth. I was way wrong apparently and she's pretty much dead to me now. I've thought a lot about her since the inauguration and what her reasons could be for voting for Trump and my only explanation is she's lived her entire life as a privileged white woman who has never faced the class/racial hurdles so many others face on a regular basis and she's okay with compromising her law-and-order values to further her class and racial biases.