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Everything posted by Gourmand

  1. not likely with Hader's salary
  2. does it work on your phone? i couldn't get my setup on either my desktop or my phone (Express VPN + MLBTV app) to work on the video side, audio pbp. I had the same issue last year for a while and then a few weeks into the season I was able to watch on my desktop with Express VPN but never really able to watch on my phone iirc.
  3. same it's trash today
  4. Explain. If the charge is being too optimistic about holding our leaders accountable for their crimes, that's one I will plead guilty to on the condition that you detail how that is "the problem" vs the actual crimes themselves and the failure of those in position to punish political corruption. I completely agree with you about Citizens United, but that case was decided a year into Obama's first term so I'm not really sure what your point is considering it doesn't change my view of Obama's approach to the Bush administration's lawlessness. If a country like Brazil, with a well-established predilection for right-wing authoritarianism, can hold an insurrectionist like Jair Bolsonaro accountable for his political crimes despite also having social media widely available to its citizens, there's no reason American citizens should expect less.
  5. And he also knows that anyone in his party feeling the heat from constituents isn't going to say shit because of the implied threat of violence from the MAGA goons and the very real threat of a primary challenge funded by the world's richest man. Trump is accountable to no one now that our idiotic electorate deemed him redeemed. If only that kid hadn't missed.....
  6. who among us hasn't talked with our locker room bros about grabbing em by the pussy?
  7. Thanks, Obama. As a card-carrying member of the anyone-but-a-Republican-party who caucuses with the Democrats and always votes that way, I think it's safe to say Obama failed America by letting the criminals in the Bush administration get off scot-free with their PNAC endeavors, War on Terror/Operation Iraqi Freedom bullshit, and the post-9/11 contortions of established legal principles to make torture an accepted practice. The fact that such an immensely talented communicator as Obama who ran a successful campaign on an anti-war/change message and reverted back to business-as-usual politics when the moment demanded so much more makes me wonder what could have been had he been less about looking forward and more about restoring our faith in accountability at the highest levels of power.
  8. Same history tells me that Republican presidents and the White Heritage Society insiders who advise them learned everything they needed to know from Nixon and have been immune from said "bringing down" ever since. See: Reagan, Bush, Trump.
  9. Are you even real right now??? I understand the point but can you imagine the freakout we'd be witnessing from the right-wing and Fox News blowhards if any Dem did anything remotely close to this? Hillary Clinton's actions with her private email server have no causal connection whatsoever or similarity in degree to this idiocy we've learned about the last few days. JFC we heard about that shit endlessly and then they dragged her ass before Congress to testify for hours and hours about Benghazi and the DOJ had lengthy investigation into her emails with no charges being filed and the Comey letter dropped and she lost the election. But one thing Hillary wasn't doing was texting our military movements in a group chat. You want to talk about being real? Let's be real. The only people ever held accountable are usually Democrats with other Democrats doing the accountability: See, e.g. Eric Adams, Bob and Nadine Menendez, Rod Blagojevich, and even former Senator Al Franken. Ferfucksakes ten Democrats voted to censure Al Green over his actions during Trump's address and let's not forget the ten Dems who voted to end cloture on the budget resolution. If Dems were in control of either body of Congress right now and this happened with a Dem administration, the same spineless shitheels who caved last week would be racing each other to lead an investigation to get to the bottom of this in the service of their fetish for bipartisanship and helping Republicans politically.
  10. It's as idiotic as comparing Biden's mishandling of classified information and the aftermath of that event with Trump's brazen criminality with his classified documents case. Claiming that somehow this shit is the Dems fault is silly and stupid as fuck.
  11. Is there a Project 2025 out there that HRC was following? idiotic conflation
  12. Look What the Dems Made Us Do
  13. uh not as bad as them celebrating via emojis the deaths of innocent civilians (including children) killed by a US bomb obliterating an apartment building.
  14. just another GOP Tuesday.
  15. and then what? their replacements are competent and not evil?
  16. Sure, but the important distinction I think he's getting at is that doomerism isn't cause for inaction or disengagement from current events. For all your doomerism and ledge-scaping, you're at least still here giving a fuck and paying attention. The same can't be said for a large swath of our citizenry.
  17. I'm old enough to remember a time when a previous Republican administration intentionally leaked the name of a CIA operative for political purposes aimed at smearing her husband who was voicing public criticisms of said administration's lies about Iraqi WMD. The object lesson here is older than me. Republican leaders are inherently untrustworthy and don't give a flying fuck about anything that gets in the way of their ability to win power and exercise it however they see fit.
  18. Yep, that's his go-to move lately. The immediate follow-up from pool reporters should be "Mr. President, does it trouble you that you don't know anything about this?"
  19. And Potus will just pardon them.
  20. jfc is he headed for another TJ surgery? how is that even possible?
  22. He's been mostly playing OF in S/T and we saw how he did at third last year
  23. With both Smith and Dezenzo making the roster (and Chas as well), this Altuve LF experiment is on shaky ground.
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