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Everything posted by Gourmand

  1. I do wish it on that Boras hat though
  2. If you're at the point in a relationship where need to hire a private investigator to see if the significant other is cheating on you, you're likely just wasting money on a private investigator instead of just moving on.
  3. i wish he'd just grabbed that little hand sausage and and put him in a finger lock
  4. he's so wrong, especially encouraging Dems to sit back and do nothing. The first month of Trump 2.0 is an unending nightmare of horror after horror and a huge chunk of the American public is just sleepwalking through it until the demon catches them. Advising the opposition party to just sit back and watch it all unfold is the dumbest fucking shit ever. Jeffries needs to gtfo. The Dems need to be united in one voice and loudly calling out these fascist billionaire cucks in the most profane terms possible to get the attention of the ding dongs who can't be bothered to follow the news and don't see the train coming about to flatten them.
  5. he's my rep, not sure what it matters though. he's a useless fucking maga zombie.
  6. or even heard of/read a very famous and highly-regarded, best-selling Pulitzer Prize-winning novel with the protagonist having such biological characteristics.
  7. deal. i'm happy to pay for joy. won't be the first time.
  8. honestly this is the playbook since Jan 1993 with Rush Limbaugh holding down the fort before Fox News was even off the ground. It accelerated with Fox dominating the mainstream broadcast news industry in the decades since.
  9. same. I'm still excited for new beginnings and the new season, but even my homer-vision is cloudy for 2025. I don't see this lineup going very far and it's more likely this is an 82-win team or less that misses the postseason than a 90+ win team that challenges for the AL title.
  10. I've been talking about this for a long time to friends and acquaintances whenever I hear them laud Elon and Tesla. It's especially relevant now that all these Elon incels are breaking shit right and left under the guise of "dEeP stATe" bullshit and only have the ability to do so because of Elon's massive wealth, which (as I've argued many times) is inextricably linked to TSLA stock which is wholly dependent upon these passive income carbon credits, all of which would not exist but for the Deep State's Clean Air Act and regulation by the EPA.
  11. erm ackshually.....more like 3.5/4 year difference. Correa didn't turn 28 until Sept 22 2022 so he was playing most of that season for the Twins as a 27 year old. Bregman turns 31 on March 30, three days after the Red Sox season opener. Correa's situation afforded him more leverage at that age than Bregman. But yeah I think he's betting on himself to kick ass in 2025 and eyeing an opt-out next offseason with a bigger payday.
  12. my 18-team fantasy football dynasty league does this. It's a fun twist on ff.
  13. yeah the one that got away was Uncle Charlie
  14. he's not getting those deals at that age though. He might get one 12-15 mm deal but no way is he getting the numbers you're throwing out here. Go look at that list.
  15. recent history disagrees with you. very few 33/34 yo non-pitchers get 50+ mm dollar deals in free agency. (as I wave at Christian Walker..) https://www.spotrac.com/mlb/contracts/_/position/b/sort/signed_age/dir/desc In the end he probably did us a favor though as it looks like our offer was a massive overpay.
  16. not happening at 34. Very few 3b command that kind of contract at that age. His best bet is having a monster season this year and opting out for a Matt Chapman-like deal that pays him 5 or 6 years at an AAV of 25 million per year.
  17. assuming he doesn't opt out in any of those years, he will hit free agency again at 34. I don't see him commanding a multi-year 36 million or more contract at that age unless he cranks up his performance significantly.
  18. we put more money on the table so yeah I can
  19. Maybe, but I disagree and think he's gonna fall off a cliff. He hasn't sniffed his All-Star days. He's a good player but he's also 30. He had a guaranteed 156 in hand and took way less to bet on himself as an aging player instead of staying in Houston where he's loved.
  20. In which case it's smarter to take the Astros offer. He didn't want us anymore. Fuck him.
  21. Fuck you Alex dead to me
  22. we're entering the techbro-controlled Lochner era. our future is bleak.
  23. made worse by the reality that Trump had already delivered the judges he needed to rig the system. what a fucking coward. I hope he rots in hell and dies an ugly painful death.
  24. you mean the same republican fucks who intentionally put us on this path with White Heritage Society propaganda and the young law school grads fast-tracked to help them hijack our judiciary? fuck all (R)s.
  25. Y'all are a smart bunch so what I'm about to say is captain obvious material: This anti-DEI frenzy is an intentional and orchestrated campaign by Republicans to dogwhistle racism to their base just like they always have, just another example of Republican racist ugliness dressed up in distraction, a political lesson they mastered back in the days of Ronnie Reagan and Lee Atwater. This is so transparently obvious and cynical and it's disgusting that the mainstream media won't call it out for what it is. Very few of these racist asshats know anything about how DEI initiatives work in practice and many are probably unaware of the Supreme Court decision that struck down affirmative action, but the one through-line that binds them all in unstated agreement is the idea that a person of color who has outperformed them in professional life probably did so not for reasons of merit and skill but because they got a big handout along the way on the basis of race. The Supreme Court gave these right-wingers a huge win when it struck down affirmative action practices in higher education, but the Republican party apparatus was never going to let go of using that as a political cudgel and they knew they couldn't just keep talking about affirmative action, so they latched on to every hold they could grab to continue their assault on minority communities in America. DEI, CRT, woke.....99% of America had never heard about any of these arcane concepts until bad faith right-wingers ginned them up into the post-covid zeitgeist fueled by inflammatory Fox News chyrons and social media bullshit. It's all a contrived show to mask their obvious racism at a time when the masks are slipping off.
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