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Posts posted by Gourmand

  1. Good call. Coincidentally enough I was messing around with MapDevelopers to double check my square footage calculations and I saw an old satellite image of my property from over ten years ago. It looks like our seller made significant lawn/landscape upgrades from the first owner because the image shows a large area of gravel or something in our backyard that matches up with the area that I'm having trouble with. 

  2. 19 hours ago, Ten Bears said:

    Choady won $51 million in the lottery as an APD officer and then basically bought the Sheriff's election by way outspending all the other candidates.  His list of scandals is getting quite long.

    Came here to remind everyone about this. I often wonder how many of my neighbors with their Chody election signs realize this or how goddamn crooked he is. 

  3. 4 hours ago, El Tri said:

    [mention]cactusflinthead [/mention] - getting these weeds all over my zoysia grass. What do you recommend for getting rid of them? Currently using Certainty for spot treatment of nutsedgee08738c9e9fb4fb60331bdac346cca0c.jpg

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

    i'll defer to the pros but my guess is that your zoysia has gone to seed.

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  4. @cactusflinthead and @TexasEd and @workswithseed thanks for your input, I'm trying to read the whole dang thread so as to not ask too many stupid/already answered questions but I'm only a quarter of the way through this thread and thought I'd ask about my existing lawn program.....

    I started tweaking out on my bermuda lawn ( 3600 sf) back in late March and have applied a couple of applications of fertilizer (started out with Milo, recently did higher 29-0-4 fert), an April application of Amaze preemergent and this past week I put down Barricade pre along with a Heritage G fungicide application that arrived with my DoMyOwn Lawnbox subscription. I have also previously used a spray application of Spectracide Weed Stop For Lawns, though I'm not sure it did much good against the weeds I am targeting. I have a bag of Fetilome F Stop fungicide scheduled for shipment at the end of this month. I'll probably throw down some more Milorganite at the end of this month as well.

    Overall I think my lawn is doing pretty well, but I'd like to see it thicken up in some places. I have one semi-circular area in my back yard where I don't have the same soft carpet-like feeling underfoot of the rest of the yard, which is where I saw an explosion of bermuda seedheads. It looks like there's a bit of ryegrass mixed in there as well that I'd like to get rid of. I'm not sure what's going on in that section of lawn but at least it has come back considerably in the last two months, just not with the same thick bermuda I'd like. It feels kinda crunchy if that makes sense. 

    Are there any other products you would recommend aside from this fert/pre/fung program I'm following or do you think a lot of that stuff is just trendy sales pitches from the lawncare pros that aren't really necessary? I'm specifically thinking about stuff like lawn PGR, liquid iron, liquid aerators, humic acid etc.....

    TIA while I try to get caught up on this two year old plus thread.




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  5. 22 minutes ago, Horn_Spanker said:

    I have a "No Soliciting" sign on my front door, but these cocksuckers don't care.  The past two Saturday mornings I've had Omnishield and Aptive pest control knock on my door.  Neither sales rep were wearing a mask!  Fuck these two companies! 

    Yeah no shit I hate that crap. It's 2020, who's buying anything from these people?

    Our sign says "No Soliciting. REALLY. Don't Make it Awkward" and they still stand there for five minutes waiting for us to answer the door. 

    We have a sleeping toddler that you just disturbed by making our annoying old dachshund start yapping, but yeah I'd love to change my cell phone plan with you.....

  6. This is off topic and I'm probably behind the board on this but when did Alyson Footer become such a disagreeable reporter? I've typically respected her work but she seems perpetually pissed off now.

    Sent from my Pixel 3a using Tapatalk

  7. As good as Wagner was, I still remember having that feeling not unlike early innings when Roy O started where you felt like uh oh here comes the long ball.  

    I suppose that is true for every fan/closer relationship except Yankees fans and Mariano Rivera. 

    • Like 1
  8. Excellent question.

    Everyone will dismiss Lidge (unfairly) for obvious reasons but damn that guy was exceptional for quite some time. Wagner has to be the choice because he was fucking dominant and doesn't have the baggage of Lidge. Smith and Sambito were likewise excellent but their careers are only remembered by the old guys like me. 

  9. 10 minutes ago, Doc Sam Beckett said:

    Nothing is ever good enough for some of y'all. He gave Floyd 25% of the rocket speech, wtf do you guys want?? 

    He didn't remind us of that time he caught Bin Laden. 

  10. 50 minutes ago, Casual Encounter said:

    Dude, I think he gets the point. Leadership training teaches to stop berating once you’ve achieved compliance. You’re like an internet cop right now, continually beating once compliance has been achieved. Basically, STFU.

    I'll admit that's a fair take. I definitely scrolled past his acknowledgement a little fast.

    I'll take the brushback pitch.

  11. Yeah.  I think that issue is now settled and Antifa has nothing to do with the rioting and looting.  None at all.
    Maybe you should use that energy to be less sarcastic and more critical of the news sources you routinely traffic. You embarrassed yourself by posting FAKE NEWS . Maybe you should use your critical thinking skills instead of making sweeping statements about the media in response to those of us calling you out for your media illiteracy. The false equivalence you engage in where CNN/NBC/NYTimes is the truthful equivalent to guys who peddle in pizzagate, obamagate, etc is dangerous. That's a big reason we're where we are now.

    Sent from my Pixel 3a using Tapatalk

    • Like 2
  12. I hope they are punished to the full extent of the law.

    Does the factual reality of that arrest and the fictional story you posted yesterday affect your belief in the right wing news outlets pushing Antifa as the source of violence?

    Sent from my Pixel 3a using Tapatalk

    • Like 1
  13. That's fair.  I will be more careful going forward.
    Any comment you would like to add about the arrests made yesterday by the FBI alleging three men connected to right wing extremist groups plotted to incite violence with Molotov cocktails?

    Sent from my Pixel 3a using Tapatalk

  14. 2 hours ago, Brisketexan said:

    But it wasn’t. There were a crapload of people who imagined just this sort of shit. All of it. We were told that we were being alarmist, and unhinged, and paranoid. But this shit was all imaginable. When you layer the gruesome narcissism and insanity of Trump on top of the Machiavellian white supremacist dominionists who happily partnered with him, thinking that he would be a manipulable tool to impose their twisted vision....this sort of shit was inevitable.

    And remember, there is one universal constant of this regime: it can and will get worse.

    He is feeling cornered. It will only get more dangerous for all of us, and for the republic.


    "Donald Trump’s ideas aren’t just different – they are dangerously incoherent. They’re not even really ideas – just a series of bizarre rants, personal feuds, and outright lies. He is not just unprepared – he is temperamentally unfit to hold an office that requires knowledge, stability and immense responsibility."

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  15. 1 hour ago, atomheartbevo said:

    Ehh, a lot of people outside of Austin don't realize what we've known about him for decades.  They never got to enjoy his days on Austin Public Access when he was sandwiched between this guy:


    And UT film school kids doing movie reviews.


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