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Posts posted by Gourmand

  1. Just for reference, a before and after of de-thatching followed by fertilizer on the side of my house. I was kicking myself after i de-thatched because my lawn looked as green as my neighbor's and then it looked DEAD. But Cactus was right, the bermuda bounced back nicely within a couple of weeks. Still not ideal but it's getting there.....


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  2. 57 minutes ago, LebongJames said:

    Just bought a new house and the previous owner did nothing for the grass.

    Its Bermuda but with a ton of weeds? What’s the best way to start regrowing the Bermuda? 

    I was thinking some type of weed killer, then a couple of trucks of top soil and then Bermuda seed. 

    Would this work? How close together can I do all of that? Should I aerate?

    Also yard is about 1/3 of an acre, so I’m not looking to resod unless that is the only option.

    First thing to do right now is to get down some pre-emergent and spot treat for weeds. Bermuda will come back with a force if you water it, feed it with fertilizer, and get rid of weeds. I would caution against overseeding with top soil and bermuda seed because you probably won't get the same type of bermuda and it could look patchy once you get your lawn back into full growth. 

    I would get the pre-emergent asap and also send a soil sample to A&M Agrilife so you know the ph of your soil. 


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  3. Just now, Francisco 2.0 said:


    Hard for me to tell from this photo, but looks like a de-thatching would be a good start.  

    I de-thatch my yard when it gets that tan looking "layer" just under the grass.  If you've never done this before, be aware---you absolutely butcher your yard in the process.



    I agree, my first house had St. Augustine and there was one troublesome area near a planter bed that looked dead as shit. I lightly dethatched it with a thatch rake and saw definite improvement. However, be aware that many say you should never dethatch St. Augustine because it can kill it. Otoh it looks like you have a lot of dead grass blocking any new growth. I suggest you take a small sample with an aerator or garden spade and look at the top layer of soil and see if there's a lot of thatch buildup. 

  4. I'm not certain but i think this shit is bahiagrass.....Does anyone know the best way to get rid of it without hurting bermuda? I have previously used Spectracide Weedstop spray and it doesn't seem to have worked on this because these have sprouted aggressively in my back yard. This stuff has exploded all around my neighborhood and my next-door neighbors have a lot of it in their yard. I've already put down an application of Amaze pre-emergent in early May and fertilized with Milorganite. I was planning on doing an application of nitrogen-heavy vigoro in the back yard early next month as well, but I'm not sure if that will just give these sonsabitches more fuel to grow.

    Btw Cactus, my side yard is definitely back and has greened up considerably after applying a 21-0-0 all purpose fertilizer and watering it aggressively. Now I just gotta get these damn weeds up control and let my bermuda thicken up.....




  5. As a millennial, I can tell you without any doubt that most of my contemporaries have never heard of Jack Nicklaus unless they’re a sports fan. 
    Everyone’s heard of Tiger. 
    That's just straight up ignorant and lazy brained. Does he need a drink named after him?

    Sent from my Pixel 3a using Tapatalk

  6. 3 hours ago, 52-80 said:

    I dont want to be the debbie downer, but all this fussiness is why im down on CI as common use cookery.  Imagine dumping a glob of salt to scrub the pan.  Imagine burning like 4kWh to reseason the pan. 


    Even though I didnt have to do this every use (mostly just light scour with brillo and water), but its just overall more effort than i care to exert

    I hear that, but part of it is a labor of love for cast iron fans because many pans are hand-me-downs or hand-me-downs-in-waiting. There's something romantic about the story in them and the idea that if you just take some basic care of them and use them all the time, they will last forever. 

    I think the fussiness is in the eye of the beholder. Once they are restored from rust or whatever condition they may be found in and re-seasoned, just cook with them a lot, wash them in hot soapy water, rinse and dry them on the stove. Repeat. There's not that much effort to worry about. I clean mine like any any other pan except I dry in on the flame and then wipe a very light coating of avocado oil on it. 

    I like to think of it as the kitchen version of keeping a green lawn.


  7. On 5/15/2020 at 3:05 PM, Michael Knight said:

    Not Cedar Park. It will be closed within a year I'd bet. The original location on College Ave isn't going anywhere since they own the building and their BOH staff is made up of long-timers so the food is more consistent than the other locations. 

  8. 23 hours ago, Kevin O’Shea said:

    Finished the assassination of Gianni Versace. Liked it more as it went along. The guy who played Cunanan was excellent. Worthy of a watch if you’re burning through things in quarantine. 

    yeah that's a good slow burn entertainment television show

  9. 3 hours ago, Steamboat1874 said:

    That flight path the governor put out was bullshit.

    They should have flown right over my office just east of 130 on 79 and I was out there 5 minutes early and waited 30 minutes.

    I caught a glimpse of 1 plane southwest of where I was, which would have it just south of Dell Diamond. 

    I'm in Old Settlers just north of 79 and Redbud and could hear them but couldn't see them. Bummer. 

  10. I'm done with this because it's pointless and it's an opinion I've had about MJ since the early mid 90's, but I find it funny that so many of his defenders get butthurt about this commonly held perspective towards His Airrogance. There are plenty of fans, media, and basketball insiders who don't really like him. He's still the GOAT, and he's still a billiionaire dickhead who's pulled tons of hot ass. His life is certainly better than mine, but whatever. I never like the guy for the same reasons that I disliked Lance Armstrong back when it was damn near sacrilegious to voice that opinion around Austin. Commercials like that one linked earlier in the thread always rubbed me the wrong way. You're allowed to disagree. 


  11. My view about MJ has nothing to do with his persona in practices or in games. (Well, he was kind of a little bitch about the refs considering he got every call from 1991 on). My opinion of him is entirely based on the public image he actively cultivated to his own personal benefit.  

    Thank you Michael Jordan for reminding the world how much better you are than everyone else. You're still an asshole and always will be. But I appreciate the honesty and the forthright interviews. 

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