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Posts posted by Gourmand

  1. 6 minutes ago, HoffaJimmy said:


    I tried to explain this to my wife. If someone has never been in or around a competitive team environment they just wouldn't understand. Talking shit isn't done just to be an asshole it's done to try and motivate others around you to work harder and do their part. Does everyone have to act the way Jordan did to motivate guys? Of course not that is just how he did it. 

    Others are quite leaders, some do it with more of a soft tone, etc.

    It's a waste of time to try and explain it to someone who hasn't been around it as they will never understand. That said the key to that is to still have the respect from those who you are tough on, some guys can handle it and others can't.

    I also hate to break it to people but there are a hell of a lot more "stars" in all sports that would be deemed assholes or jerks if they saw what went on in practice or in the locker rooms.  


    Ah this is just another variant of the dumb DID YOU PLAY????!! BUT DID YOU PLAY???!! argument that former pro athletes lob at reporters and critics. 

    I guess by that logic there only four people on the planet who are qualified to criticize our President. 

  2. MJ sycophants are cute. There's no disputing who MJ the player is, he's clearly the GOAT. But I reject it as a false premise that being the GOAT means you by definition have to be an asshole. It's almost like y'all forgot this is an MJ production for MJ's benefit. It's entertaining to watch but it doesn't change my opinion of Michael Jordan the person. A real shitty narcissist and a profligate philanderer, I bet he's a great dad as well. His HOF acceptance speech and his career-long embrace of Nike making him into a marketing god etc. 

    In his own words: "The way I go out of my life, I set examples. If it inspires you, great. If it doesn’t, then maybe I’m not the person you should be following.”


  3. 2 minutes ago, crash_davis said:

    I don't see any nice guys who are considered the best EVER and has 6 titles with 2 back to back 3 peats. Was he an asshole? Un-apologetically so.

    But if he were truly vile, then his ex teammates probably wouldn't be close friends with him. And yet many are still. 

    He did what he had to do to bring greatness to himself and his teammates. I'm sure his ex-teammates are regretting all of those championships.

    BTW, he and Scotty Burrell are still close friends. What does that tell you about how much of an asshole he is?

    Roger Federer comes to mind. 

    • Fuck You 2
  4. Just now, HoffaJimmy said:


    You do realize that was a commercial correct? 

    I just had that conversation with my wife last night on why she couldn't understand why he was such a jerk. 

    I told her it's difficult to explain if you haven't been in the locker room or played a team sport. It was motivation, lead by example, and pushing the shit out of his teammates to have the same drive he did. 

    It's why every single on of his teammates would say 100% he was an asshole but it wasn't done just to be an asshole it was done to motivate them to achieve their/his goal.


     Ohhhhh it's a commercial?????!!! Well that totally changes everything!!!! 

    I never liked those three and a half minute Nike ads disguised as MJ hagiography. That shit was tedious then and it's even worse to see now.

    He's the ultimate narcissist. 

    • Fuck You 4
  5. 6 hours ago, Spur08 said:

    Sorry. Forgot to add pic bc drunk from dinner


    They don't look that bad to me. Is this flaking just on the bottom or is it flaking off from the pan into the food?

    I would suggest to just keep cooking with them, especially foods like bacon, steak, ground beef, heavily seasoned potatoes, chicken thighs, etc. Cornbread is also a great way to build up a good seasoning base. 

    If the aesthetic of the bottom of the pans bugs you, apply a very small amount of oil, take as much of it off as possible with a towel or old tshirt/piece of clothing, put em in the oven at 200 for 20 mins, take em out and wipe them down again with a different towel to get more of the oil off, then put back in the oven at 350 or so for an hour. 

    If you repeat this process frequently, that seasoning will even out. 

  6. 2 hours ago, drt said:

    DO NOT USE SOAP!  It actually gets in any exposed pores of the cast iron and interferes with the oil filling those pores in the seasoning process.

    The recommendations of oven cleaner or electrolysis are what you want.

    Conventional dish soap doesn't hurt cast iron. That's an old myth born out of the time when soaps contained lye. 

    • Like 3
  7. No pic but I would suggest putting a very light drop of oil (the size of a quarter) and then take a lint-free rag/towel and rub out the oil, then put it in the oven at 350 upside down for an hour or so.

    You could also get crazy with it like I did on my Lodge and take it down to the metal with a drill and a wire brush and then start seasoning from scratch and cook with it as much as possible. 

    I doubt you screwed them up, whatever you did is most likely forgiving with cast iron. If it looks spotty or splotchy, you just used too much oil in the seasoning process. Just keep cooking with it and it will even out, but don't use any acidic foods like tomatoes. 

    • Like 1
  8. I've been watering it cautiously because the weather has been intermittent. I have been cautious about not over watering the lawn because it has been mostly green for the early part of the spring. Do you think I should go heavy on some nitrogen and start watering it aggressively four days a week or is it best to water it heavy twice a week?

  9. What did I do wrong to fuck up my lawn?

    We bought our suburban house in Round Rock in January and when we moved in the lawn was in fantastic condition. We have a smaller front yard, nice landscaping with rose bushes and a pear and oak tree. Our back yard is exposed to full sun throughout the day but the zoysia (?)  was lush green, and thick like a carpet. The previous owner used TruGreen services and by all appearances they did a good job with the lawn and she recommended that I contact them to continue service. She said we would get crazy weeds otherwise but I wasn't gonna pay anyone to do what I thought I could do myself. 

    Fast forward to May and our lawn is underperforming to say the least. We've had the usual suspects of spring weeds, especially crabgrass and thistle, and we've pulled a lot of it regularly by hand to keep it under control. I've sprayed the lawn with spectracide as well and, after getting a soil test done from TAMU Agrilife Extension, I bought pre-emergent and a couple of bags of milorganite (6-4-0) to help green up the lawn. 

    So this past weekend I decided that I would start on the west-facing side of our house by dethatching that part of the lawn before laying down the pre-emergent and fertilizer. I ran my new Greenworks electric powered dethatcher three or four passes on that part of the lawn and of course wound up with some large piles of dead grass to rake up. I got it all cleaned up and then did the preemergent and milorganite. Now my lawn looks like shit, especially next to my neighbor's yard. It was basically the same color and texture as his a month ago, so either the recent heat or my lawn care regimen caused it to brown out and go thin. 

    I don't want to do anything else to the back yard until I know what I did right and what I did wrong. Is this normal after dethatching or am I doing more harm than good?

    Any advice for how to proceed?




  10. On 4/23/2020 at 4:08 PM, scottsins said:

    Yeah. As much as I thought I couldn’t hate anyone more than Dr. West, the series just kept parading worthless pieces of shit out over and over agin for me to despise just as much.


    ETA: No CR, but fuck Texas AG Paxton for opposing compensation for Alfred Brown, with his whole bullshit about the withheld records possibly proving Brown’s guilt.

    Holy rage fists, I finally got around to watching that episode and it left me seething at Rizzo and the State of Texas for refusing compensation to Brown. (btw Comptroller Glenn Hegar is the POS who actually made that decision, but I wouldn't be surprised if it's Paxton pulling the strings). Texas owes him a lot more than $1.2mm and it's disgraceful that the powers that be refuse to pay him once cent of that meager sum for being falsely imprisoned on death row for twelve fucking years.

    • Like 1
  11. On 5/2/2020 at 8:18 PM, 4th&Five said:

    Never Have I Ever is worth a watch. Kind of like Sex Education set in California. 

    Came here to post this. I got caught up watching it with the wife while I was cooking and cleaning and was surprised that it got good after the first couple of episodes. It's definitely funny in places and the McEnroe angle was great. Solid mix of comedy and sweetness. Would recommend. 

    • Like 2
  12. 5 minutes ago, youdunnf'dup said:

    We must not be following on the same platforms, because this just isn't true. Before the astros shit, he mainly put out videos like i've posted in the thread. just about random situations. 

    Correct, and then he went full on MLB version of Alex Rogan with his unhinged crusade against the Astros and Altuve in particular. 

    Fuck Jomboy. I hope a drunken douche from Florida pushes him off a subway platform.

    • Like 2
  13. 20 minutes ago, Iceman said:

    ketchup and mustard will always be my favorite Rockets unis.

    I always felt like they would have beaten the Jazz in the '97 WCF if they weren't wearing those hideous Jetson-themed unis. Fucking Jazz!

    On that note, anyone else here remember gm 5 of that series? Tip-off was a couple of hours after the crazy ass weather that day when the Central Texas area (and most tragically, Jarrell) got hit with a bunch of tornadoes and heavy rains, killing 28 people.

    NBC of course had the rights to the game, so all of us old Rockets fans who were young back then were expecting to tune in to the game on KXAN. Nope. KXAN stayed with their news coverage and fans were left scrambling to find a way to watch it. Most bars had cable but unless they had a satellite dish, they were just as fucked by KXAN. There were only like a handful of places around town with a satellite dish iirc. My buddies and I had to stand outside of the Tavern with a crowd of dudes on the sidewalk watching the game through the windows because the place was filled to capacity. 


    All y'all young whippersnappers have no idea what life was like pre-internet. 

  14. That era of mid 80's to late 90's NBA was some of the best sports watching of my lifetime. So many great players, so many physically dominant teams and legendary NBA players. 

    One of my NBA moments of all time has to be this play at #1. The bench reaction is hilarious. I was at the game with my buddies and half the Alamodome was in Rocket red and the shit talkin in the stands was flowing as heavy as the shitty beer.




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