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  1. Bring the.......
  2. Dude, I'd leave at 4am. Don't take any chances. Of course I like to be there and parked by 7:30. I usually stop at Buccee's and in West for some klobasniks along the way. πŸ˜†
  3. 45-7 πŸ€˜πŸ½πŸ˜‹πŸ€˜πŸ½
  4. From Pflugerville....🀘🏽TEXAS!!🀘🏽
  5. I was only 6 years old when it erupted. My stepdad was from Spokane, WA and we were visiting grandma and great-grandma in Spokane at the time of the eruption. I clearly remember it being around 1pm and the sun was completely blocked out by the ash. It was like it was nighttime at 1pm. So crazy. You could make out the street lights, kinda like if there was a heavy fog is what it would be similar to. When we walked outside we had to use a mask or just some towels over our nose and mouth to not breath it in. A layer of ash covered everything. The fire trucks came down the streets the next day to wash the ash off the roadway. My stepdad scooped up some ash and put it in a big mason jar. I believe he still has the jar boxed up somewhere in this attic or garage. I should ask him for it one of these days, I always thought it could make an interesting decor piece. Cool story bro. πŸ€˜πŸ½πŸ˜‹πŸ€˜πŸ½
  6. Yep, and no lube. Sonofabiscuit!
  7. ah ok. That's what I was thinking and hoping. Yes it's for a new build. So with the builder's lender I was offered 5% but that was with buying 4 points!! I knew that wasn't a good deal. I was hoping to be closer to 5% before buying any points. Yes I am looking to lock in now just in case. Thank you for your help. 🀘🏼
  8. I have a question. So I'm under contract and should be moving in around September. I'll be putting about 34% down and credit score is about 830. I have zero debts except for my car. I've been using Mortgage News Daily to follow the changing rates just to get an idea of what payments would be like. So just for example, if it shows 5.37% for a 30 yr fixed conventional, would that mean that is at least a baseline of what I could expect without buying any points? Or is that the rate a lender starts at then they tack on a little bit for their profit. Just curious. Thanks alot y'all. I really enjoy reading and following this thread.
  9. Oklahoma sucks Beer and corn dogs for breakfast Let's go Horns, Hook'em
  10. So we will be going to the UT/BlowU game Saturday and will stay for Cowboys game on Sunday. Now the Cowboys are doing better and ticket prices for upper deck are now $300 each with fees on Stubhub. Looking for 5 tickets, anyone have any or know of someone that may have 5 together for Cowboys/Giants game this Sunday? We may just end up separating group to 2 & 3 seats if can't all sit together. Just thought I'd ask here. Thanks in advance. Hook'em 🀘🏼
  11. A friend and I are gonna try to go to Sunday's game. Planned on going to box office 2.5 hrs before game to get tickets. Does anyone know if it's hard to get tickets? Are only GA tickets available or are there some reserved seats available as well? Thanks y'all - Hook'em
  12. From South Austin.... F I G H T !!!!!
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