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Fudge Nuggets

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Everything posted by Fudge Nuggets

  1. The most boring popular group ever, but yet still awesome af. Yay!!!!
  2. It goes to state government. Hence why a bunch of money Biden sent to all states for health care wound up funding governor Hot Wheel's border guard patrol. It's weird how all these states got extra funding for health care yet only the rubes missed out. I can't figure it out.
  3. Congats on finding a graph that violates about every single rule for true data visualization. Dipshit.
  4. Over 50% of the "Christian" voters across the largest demographics go towards fasicsm. You can't control them, probably true. But they have been fucking shit up for over 40 years now and it's getting worse. Why are we that don't believe in your stupid sky fairy the baddies? "Work with those of us who are aligned with you".... good god man, are you from fucking Dearborn, MI or something?
  5. Get your people back in line. The rest of us are tired of their hypocritical asses fucking up everything.
  6. This is literally the first I heard of it. Great cause, shitty promotion.
  7. Yeah, none of that happened. It’s just a smoke screen.
  8. Well those three trans volleyball players got put in their place. Eat shit, lib.
  9. That, and a penchant to just make up shit on the fly.
  10. Gee you think, David? Guess this is why he gets the big bucks.
  11. There is absolutely nothing since the advent of Fox News that shows this to be true.
  12. Another tax write off for Muskolini.
  13. Tear it up, stud. No one's stopping you.
  14. Saw an article about the stock market shenanigans that had this dude's picture as the lead-in. I've got a rule of thumb that when his picture starts showing up on the reg, shit has officially hit the fan. Way to go, dotard.
  15. One solace is those that voted for this shit did nothing to prepare for the shit storm that is unfolding. We will all be harmed to some degree, but at least those of us that took at least some precautions might be burned a little less.
  16. My grandmother ate sausage, eggs, grits, biscuits and gravy almost every breakfast. She also choked down two packs of ciggies a day for lord knows how many years. She lived to 92 and won the shot put at her nursing home's "Olympics" two weeks before kicking it in.
  17. Fucking dickhead. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-14468391/Trump-plans-revoke-legal-status-Ukrainians-fled-America.html
  18. We may be nearing the point where you shouldn't be worried about return on capital, but rather return of capital.
  19. We didn't hold all those cards at the very beginning. It took some time to expose Russia military as the paper tiger and wipeout 30% of those shitheads. By the time this became clear, the election campaign was ongoing and that probably played into it as well. Not having the House the last two years certainly took a shit on things.
  20. "The dotard" is all you need to use. Ever.
  21. Soap box, ballot box, jury box (you are here), ammo box.
  22. That won't do a damn bit of good. In order for disruptions to work, your target has to be able to feel shame. The dotard will just lash out and have the Capitol Police shoot them.
  23. Not a tough decision at all for the for profit hospitals. You got money, we'll treat you. Hey you, yeah you over there bleeding out from your eyeballs... take your broke bitch ass down the road.
  24. We get:
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