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Fudge Nuggets

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Everything posted by Fudge Nuggets

  1. He’s dealing with unemployment in his own way. Who are we to judge?
  2. Did you shoot them before or after denying their health insurance claim?
  3. Nah, this is old school “West of the Rockies” Art Bell level shit.
  4. I got that one too. Fuck 'em. I've done without for four months, I think I can survive.
  5. Fuck this shit. My company is looking to "retire" a bunch of people in the near future and although I'm probably not on the immediate chopping block I am close enough to retiring on my own terms that I don't have a lot of time to make up 401k losses. Even if everything goes just peachy keen this time, I refuse to be on edge whenever King Dipshit decides he wants to fuck with stuff just for the hell of it.
  6. I thought Thursday was Ana's drunk posting day. You lose your job or something?
  7. Let’s begin the disclosure with how much government money his blood sucking companies have leeched from the US taxpayer.
  8. You greatly underestimate the efficiency of price gouging.
  9. But aren’t you like 75 years old? Shit could have changed since then.
  10. Crashed the market less than two weeks into the job. Impressive.
  11. I'm tired of these fucks bending the knee to a god damn Nazi.
  12. If Elmo promised it in an earnings call then you know it won’t happen on time.
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