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Fudge Nuggets

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Everything posted by Fudge Nuggets

  1. If you're holding a rally, isn't it kind of a good idea to let people know where it's going to be?
  2. If the dotard wins GA, you're getting your ass kicked.
  3. I bet at least 75% of this board has picked the winner of every election since 1984 except maybe 2000 and 2016. For the most part, picking winners of presidential elections is pretty easy.
  4. My kid says her friends call her lucky because I’m not a brainwashed dotard supporter like their parents.
  5. Last thing I ever want to see is porn of any of your wives.
  6. He was a POS way before that tragedy and his dog committing suicide by throwing itself under his truck tire.
  7. Hopefully the FBI has Roger Stone under tight surveillance.
  8. Yeah, but the chances of him covering this particular list of counties in a timely manner is not great.
  9. I saw a bumper sticker a couple of weeks ago that said "If they can get you to believe absurdities, they can get you to commit atrocities."
  10. “I’ve been pitched a story about Donald Trump now for about a week, that if True, would end his campaign.” but I'm going to sit on the story until months after the election and put it in my next book.
  11. How can someone track county by county results in real time on election day?
  12. My grandparents had two German Shepherds that were scared shitless of their cat.
  13. I have no idea how you blackmail someone that leads a cult and has absolutely no shame.
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