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Fudge Nuggets

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Everything posted by Fudge Nuggets

  1. Kids would have no idea what to do with a $100 bill.
  2. Speaking of vanishing acts, is Walz still alive? I haven’t seen or heard shit from him since the VP debate. Granted I’ve been a bit swamped since then so may have missed it.
  3. 8 teams would be more than enough. Hell six teams with the top seeds getting a bye would be enough.
  4. Why does the media suck off this TN QB so much?
  5. Williams’ scrawny 170 lb ass got worked on the int.
  6. This bullshit of waiting until the snap to review the previous play has to stop, especially after a fucking punt.
  7. Incomplete on 4th and 10. Play Boomer Sooner.
  8. Lawyer up and get Brisket errrr your lawyer to call the cops.
  9. Back in my Jr. High / HS days, the racist kids rooted for the Celtics while those of us that were cool rooted for the Lakers.
  10. Martha Stewart slapped some sense into him when they were hanging out in Paris for the Olympics.
  11. Must be nice. Here, if someone mails something it takes at least a full week to receive it even if it's only across town.
  12. There have been numerous reports that the really old olds are moving more blue - maybe having their social security threatened and being told to die in order to save the economy isn't a great campaign strategy? It's the "younger" boomers and older Gen-X that are the real shitheels.
  13. She should pay her bill when dotard has settled up all of his.
  14. If he loses the election, there is no way he shows up in Pyle Field. He won't show his ugly, opposum face anywhere in the state.
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