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Fudge Nuggets

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Everything posted by Fudge Nuggets

  1. I’m surprised they didn’t work in five minutes worth of commercials during the review.
  2. Sark could put me in at QB and we’d drive it down their throat. O-line is getting it done.
  3. Got damn, he turned on the jets
  4. Fucker better show up today and play like a man, not a pussy.
  5. SHSU vs Georgia Southern was more entertaining than that horseshit last night and earlier today.
  6. I went back and looked it up, Texas was #4 preseason. That is not "middle of the pack in the SEC". Your thinking is flawed.
  7. Catch the fucking ball asshole.
  8. Texas was preseason Top 10. How much better were we supposed to be?
  9. You can win a shit ton of ballgames with a roster filled with dudes from 3rd world hellholes.
  10. The dog always cracks me up.
  11. I have zero reasons to be interested in the game. So we cancel each other out.
  12. They worried that a gaggle of horny young women, MILFs and gay dudes are going to try to set him free.
  13. I would rather he be beaten into a vegetative state, rely on expensive healthcare until all his assets have been liquidated to pay the bills leaving nothing for any family or “crew”. Then he dies. That would be awesome.
  14. Today’s winner of the “No fucking shit” award.
  15. 200 million people are on some sort of prescription. That is fucked up. I guess I'm lucky that I haven't had a prescription in God knows how long. It's probably been at least 15 years.
  16. I filled out the FAFSA form last year for the first time. It took five minutes. Why is everyone whining about it?
  17. If I was the Biden administration, I’d be leaning into this shit full tilt and troll the fuck out of the rubes. Make sure to let them know that in roughly four weeks it ain’t my problem, good luck to the next guy. I’m sure he’ll have all the answers.
  18. With RFK Jr in the cabinet, that’s exactly what we did.
  19. It's all bullshit.
  20. This was pretty much the last highlight of the day for USMA: The Cadets were up at 2:00AM and got back to West Point at 2:00AM so a nice full 24 hr day when your team gets stomped. I'm sure that was fun. Actually, my kid said it was a great time despite the team deciding to not show up for the game. Go get 'em next year, I guess.
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