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Fudge Nuggets

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Everything posted by Fudge Nuggets

  1. You’re not going to get me on that one. I wasn’t talking about no girl pig, Mr Smartypants. Or it was the auto-correct. Maybe.
  2. And anyone hoping they sew dissent can have their previously forgiven student loans reinstated with an extra 9% “service fee” added to the bill.
  3. Well if Reddit says so then I guess he just imagined it all. All I know is it was over 105 every day he was there and he was totally miserable. This is a kid that has never minded the blast furnace until then.
  4. When we took my son to the airport when he shipped off to school, my daughter started bawling. That got me going. I’m thinking when it’s time for her to leave, I’m getting her an Uber to the airport. There will be a scene if I can’t figure out how to keep it in and I don’t want to wind up in airport jail.
  5. No idea. I’ve slept and consumed a lot of beer since then.
  6. Last summer, my kid did Boys State and stayed in a dorm with no A/C. Needless to say, UT dropped considerably on his list after that.
  7. If they don’t like it, they should have tried to get their message heard at the RNC. Why didn’t they do that when they had the chance? Oh…,
  8. The whole blocking attendee access to the convention, running up on stage acting like fools, those kinds of actions. Giving them a voice will cost a lot more votes than telling them to fuck off.
  9. Maybe they should have considered the consequences of their actions before showing their whole ass.
  10. After Harris wins the utes vote 95-5, Barron “TikTok Czar Trump 2024” will also get cut out of the will.
  11. After a few days in the sun, I'm darker than John Legend.
  12. Those were the good old days when you could vote for one candidate but at the same time not fear for the future of the country if the other candidate won. That was the first election I was able to vote in; I proudly voted for Clinton but would have been fine with a GHWB win.
  13. That reminds me, I need to load up on cans of soup to leave out in the front yard for the invaders.
  14. This should have been some Monday night shit.
  15. It wasn't difficult to see at all. GHWB wasn't that bad, but once Newt took over Congress it was blatantly obvious.
  16. Damn, even those he's slowed down a lot; Bill is just dunking all over dotard.
  17. Does posting snarky takes constitute watching Bill do his thing?
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