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Fudge Nuggets

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Everything posted by Fudge Nuggets

  1. A guy could make some money starting up an airline that has flights between NYC and Austin. I’m surprised no one has thought of it yet.
  2. Pretty sure he plays next week too, being that he’s awesome.
  3. It was a kickoff. They don’t punt to start a half.
  4. Are you pussies calming down a little bit and recognizing that we’re going to shit stomp these fools? Or you still pissing down your legs because the ref spotted a play half a yard short 20 minutes ago?
  5. Cool thy jets. We gone mud hole shit stomp these fucks.
  6. God damn fucking corrupt ass refs. Oh wait.
  7. So we’ve had four plays from scrimmage and a half hour of commercials so far? Fucking great.
  8. The fuck the refs thread is currently at 111 pages. I expect it to hit 120 by halftime whether the officiating is shitty or not.
  9. You could still fuck with them. The odds local law enforcement know the ins outs and whatevers are probably about the same as us knowing all the fine details. If it's a small town and the wack job is a known menace, and if we know one thing; it's these types of people have a real respect for the laws of the local community then the local cops probably would enjoy getting all up in his ass over nothing.
  10. That shit pisses me off to no end when my company’s C-suite assholes do it. Hey mother fucker, you’re the one pulling in multi-millions. Why don’t you earn that money and come up with some ideas your own damn self.
  11. Three weeks. That’s how long it took before I saw my first bandwagon Arlington fan sporting WS gear in the wild. Guess he didn’t spring for expedited shipping.
  12. God damnit... https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2023/nov/22/hall-oates-lawsuit-restraining-order
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