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  1. Something, something, South Austin’s mom.
  2. We have a fitness thread already, but I think a dedicated health thread is warranted. This was inspired by my recent yearly physical, and accompanying lab results. I'm upper 40's in moderate physical health. Got the regial blood screen, and A1C was not on it. I have diabetes in my family and that got my attention. Has A1C fallen out of fashion? Or do I need to ask for that specific? Triglycerides are high, LDL Cholesterol good, HDL high. I know HDL is the good cholesterol but high can be bad. I presume this is something I need to watch closely? Dr. talked about going to the clinic periodically through the year for a blood screen. Avera website says it's pretty cheap. Question is how often. Quarterly? Monthly? What?
  3. I’m not advocating for a ban or anything, but treatment similar to tobacco needs to be discussed. Heavy drinkers pay the same health insurance rate as teetotalers. Same for Medicare. Perhaps insurance rates need to be tied to drinking rates. We get a Social Security saving because drinkers likely (sry for this) die sooner. Those people are less of a drag on the SS trust fund.
  4. I didn't realize Shannon Sharp was a hack.
  5. This war’s gonna be won by whoever doesn’t collapse first. https://www.telegraph.co.uk/world-news/2025/01/02/ukrainian-soldiers-go-awol-before-shot-fired/
  6. Scale yourself every day, starting now, and follow your 7 day running average. Alcohol in moderation won't kill you, and you can get #gainz whilst drinking. But make no mistake, on single drink will make you just a little bit fatter, weaker and slower than you would otherwise be. No problem with that, but you need to be intellectually honest with yourself.
  7. The Ruble:Yuan might be more important? Because more trades are between those 2 currencies?
  8. I'm here to talk sh*t and burn couches. And I'm almost out of couches.
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