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Everything posted by Parliament

  1. Don’t bother me none. They got this one right.
  2. My personal experience for quite some time is the algo has been doing a good job of pushing what I like and not bombing me with stupid. In fact I’ll say I mighta gone too milquetoast. Lotsa Super 70’s and cat (alive, not eaten) vids. Kinda boring tbh. Show me interesting stuff that isn’t political. But the replies to those posts woah boy. Bots and mouthbreathers all of them.
  3. Sheridan movies are ate up with plot holes. In Sicario they went to a migrant detention place and just started asking people where the tunnel was? And found the guys who knew? K. Doesn't matter when the rest of the movie is awesome (ie, TDK).
  4. We presume it did. Still, JW’s story was closed very well. Shoulda left it there get off my lawn.
  5. I was today years old when I learned Colombia had M1 Garands rechambered in .308. 12 of them. Can’t believe I went this long not knowing that.
  6. It’s a prequel and I’m not happy with that last scene. Waters down the end of JW4.
  7. Serious question. If you had an older relative that you could easily take in a fight, is it legal to literally kidnap them, throw them on back of your Tahoe and drive them to safety. Would you get in trouble with the law for that? They’d hate you for the rest of their life, but they’d still be alive at least.
  8. YT’s algo is excellent. Pushes me stuff I actually like. And if there are political dumkopf’s on there, it does not force them on me. Custom home builder in Austin: https://www.youtube.com/mattrisinger He keeps his politics in check enough for me: https://www.youtube.com/@BrandonHerrera Total gun nerd here: https://www.youtube.com/@ForgottenWeapons He has several channels: https://www.youtube.com/@megaprojects9649 From there the algo takes over and gives me similar good stuff. And lately it’s been pushing vids of surly donkeys (clean, wholesome stuff.)
  9. You take out a whole lotta experience, wisdom and tribal knowledge when you whack one of those shitbags. Yeah is replacement is right there, but that guy isn't as good at killing Israeli civilians. It's a net positive.
  10. It's gonna cause TENS of dollars of damage in the panhandle.
  11. You’ve never been truly chewed out until you’ve been chewed out by an Englishman. Canada?
  12. I’m bringing Heineken to the next Surly tailgate!
  13. 4. "American Officials" are outright pussies. Every. Single. Red. Line. that little shit has drawn, been crossed, and redrawn with no consequences.
  14. So we're gonna go back to the 2022 supply chain drama? Cool, cool
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