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Everything posted by Parliament

  1. Is that what killed him?
  2. Let's separate bananas from cheetos in this conversation.
  3. Corn syrup also tastes better. Fight me. I work in agriculture and all of us over here are very distrustful when a rich cityboy starts telling us how to do things. But year. Sugar is bad. It's heavily subsidized. If RFK bumble stumbles into doing something right, I'm on board with that. Sugar should not be regulated, but for God's sake let's not drive down its cost with subsides. dumb.
  4. Holds up better than a Russian T90. Japanese technology. Glad they're on our side.
  5. And skip Discovery and the Abrams movies.
  6. Maybe it’s moving again? Let’s get this fucker to a thousand.
  7. Some Karen was calling 911 on very young adult white male she saw. Finally got a hit Schizophrenia often comes on in the early 20’s I think? Dude mighta been just a regular person whose brain just fell apart. Not his fault there. Biology. Eta Not his fault he came down with a serious mental disorder. He needs to be tried and convicted of murder just the same.
  8. The OG is basically the reason I became a gun nut prepper back in 2002.
  9. Time for a midlife crisis? Any recently divorced 35 yo women on your street? She got 3 kids?
  10. Trailer starts out meh then goes to 11.
  11. So he’s just another psycho. Disappointing
  12. This chick definitely defines the Hot/Crazy Matrix
  13. ^^^I wanna party with this guy.
  14. She wasn’t very hot back when she was hot. All those drugs she did in “Flight” were hard on her.
  15. He went back to the hostel for that girl’s number. Bam. Undefeated
  16. Why did Russia let ISIS get a start? Wasn’t ISIS an enemy of Assad?
  17. We got any A10's in the area?
  18. Why are murdering ahole dictators always short?
  19. Impressed they didn't kill him.
  20. Is Alex Kurtzman anywhere close to this thing?
  21. I mean she's cute...
  22. From 2004's terribly underrated "Dawn of the Dead" remake. (Zach Snyder made an actual good movie.)
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