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Everything posted by Parliament

  1. So, cannibalism
  2. Gonna hafta cancel my Tree Fiddy sub.
  3. I think he’s just your regular moron. Difference is he has a buncha morons cheering him on.
  4. Without going CR I’ll say the average Russian is an order of magnitude tougher and more tolerant than humans. What would drive America to collapse would be a…Tuesday in Russia. What I’m saying is rock bottom is way lower than what it looks like to us here. Russia will get MUCH worse before it collapses. I don’t think we’re close to that.
  5. Friend: Texts me a Rogan clip and some accompanying links. Me: I saw that too. It’s intriguing but inaccurate. I dId My OwN rEsEaRcH and here is what I found: (sends link and screenshots.). (The most recent regards this narrative that Polio was almost burnt through when the vax came and the vax was/is of little value. Friend: “Your facts are fake.” Me: “This is so dumb I don’t know what to say. Gonna just disengage.” Friend: “See. I’m right.” Gonna be four full years of deciding all the time to engage and maybe change some minds, or just tune out and wait for the FAFO. Exhausting.
  6. Yep. A 3 day special operation and it’ll all be took care of.
  7. Your honor, I plead guilty.
  8. Parliament


    Lusting for a mid-20’s actress as she depicts a 17 yo girl is a little creepy. Also creepy laughing at her, “We have a rule,” joke.
  9. Ah don’t wunt your lahf!
  10. Who hasn’t gone to a strip club on a Thursday night, at age 17, and had their math teacher dance for them?
  11. I’m confused. Dude stabbed this cash app guy because he was hitting on his sister?
  12. So I see gun nerds were insufferable way back then too.
  13. Woah there. Russia gonna escort their oil boats with their shitbox aircraft carrier and tactical tugboat. Not sure our woke US Navy (sarcasm) has a carrier group that can match.
  14. Any Texan who doesn’t say, “FNL” isn’t much of a Texan.
  15. Clever girl
  16. Technically speaking, when a ship sinks it becomes a submarine. Please check my math but I think they’re GAINING submarines.
  17. Parliament


    And you’re not a perv.
  18. I thought the apocalypse would be more interesting.
  19. Mom!?
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