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Everything posted by Parliament

  1. That’ll change when the Russian carpet bombing counter offensive starts. ETA Russia will destroy their own city to drive Ukraine out.
  2. So basically Ukraine can go as far in as they trust their supply lines? Sounds cool, but it sounded cool to Napoleon as well.
  3. But where they on screen at the same time?
  4. Let’s hope so. Maybe we can loan them some recon satellite time?
  5. If you're watching a RR movie and critiquing the plot, you should just get up and go home. The movie isn't for you.
  6. That seems a bit aspirational, but I buy tickets.
  7. I presume Russia will level to the ground every town Ukraine occupies? https://www.forbes.com/sites/davidaxe/2024/08/10/russian-warplanes-are-bombing-russia-aiming-to-block-invading-ukrainian-troops/
  8. I presume Russian POW's returned to Russia as part of prisoner exchanges are summarily executed?
  9. You are a man devoid of a soul if you don't get choked up:
  10. Long time listener, first time caller. I need help prepping for interviews. Been applying for internal role with my employer, all of them "the next level up" in my career. Had an interview this week. Did all the prepwork you do; networked with all four members of the hiring team, got insight from a few trusted coworkers adjacent to this role, spent two days working our my answers to the "behaviorally-based interview questions" we use. The interview did not go well and I didn't get the job. When he called me to give the news, the hiring manager suggested I work on my interview skills. "Your qualifications are good, your references were good but you didn't show us that you're the best person for this role." I put the time and work into prep, but I obviously prepared for the wrong things. So I need to get better at prepping for an iterview and likely the interview itself. What options do I have? TIA
  11. Maneuver warfare strategy talk not going away. All you guys have made good points. Can we skip the arguing and get back to listing all the ways Aggy sucks?
  12. There was a question if if they actually had these guys run before the swim. Per the Crossfit games website, it looks like they did: https://games.crossfit.com/workouts/finals#events-details
  13. https://wgntv.com/news/wgn-investigates/suburban-school-worker-pleads-guilty-to-stealing-1-5m-worth-of-chicken-wings-from-district/
  14. We need a “Hitler in the bunker” skit for this.
  15. I’ve read that men who are in prison for child abuse find themselves on the bottom of the hierarchy, and are treated very poorly by fellow prisoners. I hope that’s the case.
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