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Everything posted by Parliament

  1. And fit chicks. Some of them are rather attractive. Sadly though, as the sport got more “professional” and the PED’s came it, the attractiveness fell. Still some out there.
  2. Seeing memes and tweets that flip the script like that are awesome. I wonder what that shitbag John Meshersheimer has to say.
  3. It is possible to hate a man and love his product. I was that way with Nick Saban for many years.
  4. Post a pic/gif/vid of animals being aholes.
  5. The echos of her screams up and down the terminal…
  6. I presume the rest of the games are cancelled? How can anyone be confident the rest of the events are safe?
  7. So do they have a legit chance at cutting those rail lines and hubs in Kursk?
  8. “She just did a quick paddle around and paddled out.” ouch
  9. They've had safety problems a few years ago. They were in a hot stadium doing stuff for reps and a buncha competitors got heat stroke.
  10. He makes a good point. ETA Whole thread is money.
  11. Iirc the ball bearing supply problem was especially affecting the locomotives they’re so dependent on for moving materiel. Friggen Russia, in 2024, can’t even make a goddamn steel bearing. ETA That’s a bit of a problem but at least we have friends (Mexico) who will sell us good bearings.
  12. Take what they can before Russian reinforcements arrive. Hold what they can when they do. Force Russia to level their OWN cities with glide bombs and arty. When the fight gets too big, just sneak back to Ukraine. And look for the next soft spot to invade.
  13. Giant snails that give you menengitis. https://www.yahoo.com/news/officials-speak-major-us-city-000000577.html
  14. This war reminds us that defense is a lot easier than offense. So Ukraine takes as much Russian land as they can before Russia moves forces in, then grinds Russia down as they try to take their own land back?
  15. https://www.worldofreel.com/blog/2024/8/7/rumor-paramount-destroyed-70mm-imax-prints-of-christopher-nolans-interstellar-september-re-release-now-in-question
  16. God I hope they’re using F16’s in this.
  17. Without looking I'm gonna say that's the Polish flag in the middle?
  18. Might as well check his laptop for child porn too.
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