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Everything posted by Parliament

  1. Moved my cardio outdoors this summer and it’s kicking my butt. (Yes is does get hot in South Dakota as well.) What do you guys like for ‘lectrolyte hydration drinks? I’m doing the Pedialyte Advanced powder atm, but I want something sugar free.
  2. Why would you marry a woman with such bad judgement. Is she a good cook or something?
  3. So maybe Ukraine can outlast these fuckwads?
  4. "Fuck yeah I'm ready. I'm the Wolverine."
  5. You hate to see it… But at the same time, you love to see it.
  6. Stabil is good but it’ll still go bad in time. I’m told aviation gas is better. Buy it in a sealed drum, keep it sealed until the apocalypse.
  7. You’ll sleep better, wake up earlier, get more done. When you drink today all you do is borrow happiness from tomorrow.
  8. On the regular flu—>Covid—>Black Death spectrum, how fatal is this thing?
  9. You have >300# of wheel, tire, hub there. Not good.
  10. You see him setting up and you know it’s gonna go bad for him.
  11. What is the evolutionary cause of suicide? Some wires got crossed as our brains developed from monkeys to humans?
  12. Been awhile since I dumped my allocation of pos rep on this thread. Did that just now. I love all you guys. Slava Ukraine
  13. Certainly there are some recently retired NATO air force pilots who would be glad to strap up and kill Russians.
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