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Everything posted by Parliament

  1. Mentioned further upthread. Food companies are making (gasp) more nutritious food to cater to people who don't eat much. Sad that this is the only way to get them to make food that's actually healthy, but whatever. https://www.fastcompany.com/91144170/nestle-coke-ozempic-wegovy
  2. So Putin visits North Korean and just that makes South Korea so mad they offer Ukraine just about all they want our of their massive arsenal? Wow. That's a lot of hate.
  3. Yeah I live the life of "different people, same names." Our company has two entirely different systems for pretty much the same customers. The only functional "key" to link a list is their email. If i can get the vlookup to grab the easy wins, I can do the rest manual. "xlookup" is what I want?
  4. I know some PhD's who are blithering morons. You can get better advice from the degens on this board.
  5. Or Buffalo Wild Wings. And if you ever denigrate Bob Evans again. I'll kill you.
  6. Looks like there's a mob family looking for a new head of their operation.
  7. I shrunk it to 3 entries. Aaron Pape and Blake Satterlie are real people. Whatever glitch came over, the CLEAN function doesn't fix. I need to manually type the name into the column the vlookup is accessing. If we figure this out I'll bring strippers to the next Surly tailgate. Surly.xlsxSurly.xlsxSurly.xlsx
  8. That's a great one. Never heard of a problem like that and I appreciate the tip. Didn't work though. What else you got?
  9. I knew SK made good kit, but I didn’t know they make so much of it. Kinda glad they’re on our side. The US has gotten some things wrong in history for sure. But we’ve made some great friends of some great people. South Korea. Japan. Canada.
  10. Or a safe place to dump paper expenses and cover for other bloated projects.
  11. Watching Nazi fucks die never gets old. ETA Bonhoeffer was a badass. Dude was a leading opponent of the Nazi's and Nazified Lutheran church. Two days after Hitler was installed as Chancellor, Bonhoeffer delivered a radio address in which he attacked Hitler and warned Germany against slipping into an idolatrous cult of the Führer (leader), who could very well turn out to be Verführer (misleader, seducer). In July 1933, Hitler unconstitutionally imposed new church elections. Bonhoeffer put all his efforts into the election, campaigning for the selection of independent, non-Nazi officials who were dedicated to following Christ. Bonhoeffer decided to return to Germany instead, where he was the head at an underground seminary in Finkenwalde for training Confessing Church pastors. Bonhoeffer spent the next two years secretly traveling from one eastern German village to another to conduct a "seminary on the run" supervising the continuing education and work of his students, most of whom were working illegally in small parishes... ...Bonhoeffer left for the United States in June 1939 at the invitation of Union Theological Seminary in New York. After much inner turmoil, he soon regretted his decision and returned after only two weeks[43] despite strong pressures from his friends to stay in the United States. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dietrich_Bonhoeffer
  12. Next one, a weird problem I've seen once before. I have a medium-sized data set from some random, likely old, database. Customer name, mailing address, purchase history and such. I need to vlookup some more data in from a second spreadsheet. As per usual I copy the data from that second spreadsheet onto a new, empty sheet in the OG, do a conventional vlookup with the customer name and BAM. No bam this time. I see the customer's row in each sheet but it doesn't pull the info over; just a #N/A or whatever. Here's the weird part. I add a new row to the spreadsheet, manually type the customer's name in the cel, EXACTLY the same, and the vlookup. It pulls the data for the manually-typed cel, but not for the cel that came with the data set. It's like "Mike Johnson" is in a format you and I can see, but Excel recognizes it as something else. I copied the original data set and pasted "values only" in a fresh sheet. Formatted the column as text. All no joy. Am I fooked?
  13. You picked the WRONG neighborhood, motherfucker!
  14. Not sure where else to put this. Lady spent the last >40 years only buying car parts with lifetime warranties. She's gotten like 7 free muffler replacements out of it.
  15. Fwd from a friend just now. Bilt will pay your rent via cc and with no fee. (They'll mail your landlord a check and bill it to the card.) According to this guy, Bilt and their Wells Fargo underwriters presumed users were all broke, and would carry balances. Big ones. LOL no. Users are paying it off every month, harvesting rewards (1% of your monthly rent adds up fast) and making Bilt and WF bleed. Yeah screw those guys. Seems they're locked in to this deal for several more years and still take new customers. No monthly or annual fee. No fee to bird dog your rent check through them. I presume a point is a penny per dollar (1%)? Just gotta use the card for a few other purchase per month (presumably to run up a higher balance they can charge you interest on. Am I missing anything here? I'm a renter and getting 1% of my rent back is real money. (Easily $3.50) And look at those interest rates. I'm no fan of Bernie Sanders. But. He has a point... https://www.biltrewards.com/card?utm_source=google&utm_medium=search-brand&utm_campaign=google-brand_prospecting_brand-exact_core_conversion_card_exact_tcpa_&utm_audience=bilt-credit-card&utm_adgroup=143008456462&utm_content=699722955595&APP_SOURCE=PARTNER_PAID_SEARCH_MARKETING&lang=en&locale=en_US&sub_channel=SEM&vendor_code=BL&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjwg8qzBhAoEiwAWagLrPmHzB6QuH1PvHXQhLRaWqnaNxRggiR8fyHc6SI6hlmTTrvK28qcXRoCBfEQAvD_BwE
  16. Avatar checks out.
  17. UPDATE The Borg broke through my shields. Now I have ads.
  18. At the very worst he's doing the US a favor. Letting us test our gear on what's left of Russian men of reproductive age, and accelerating the inevitable demographic collapse of Russia. all me a cynic, but I like that.
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