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Everything posted by Parliament

  1. Riiight. The were attacked by aliens. Tell me I'm wrong.
  2. They might be giant Star Trek nerds irl and are working on the cheap?
  3. Yeah you gotta believe they think they can take out enough Russian radar that F16’s will be able to do F16 things unmolested.
  4. I recall being mad about that too. Paid $20 for a Sammy Kershaw CD. Most of mine were $2 uses CD’s though. I’m convincing myself not to turn my Hulu on for CFB this fall. The FOX/ABC games I’ll watch on bunny ears the rest I’ll just listen on the radio.
  5. Myself I plan to fight them all (ideally one at a time.). Live on your knees or die on your feet I say.
  6. The scene with the lady and the baby was the best part of the movie. The ending was almost as good. Cumberbatch had like 5 lines? He killed it. Best character in the movie. IMHO the “single take” piece was a distraction. You could see all the places they spliced.
  7. Point being all that used to be reasonably priced. I’m sure their market research and algorithms say they make more money pushing further out on the demand curve, but at what cost? You price families out of concerts, football, etc and you lose your next generation of consumers.
  8. I hope the war evolves to where Ukraine is comfortable chasing Russian shitbox MIG’s back into Russian airspace and dogfighting with those fuckers. Would rock. The kickass American F16 was born to kill Russians.
  9. Are they eating just Floridians? Trying to decide if I’m for/against the sharks.
  10. So from all the donors how many kickass American F16’s are they gonna get? Seems like a hodgepodge where a buncha countries each gave a few.
  11. I remember a time when you could pay nothing more than the time to watch 16 minutes off commercials, in exchange for the privilege of turning on the TV, flipping to NBC, CBS, ABC, FOX or Public TV. Now I gotta pay for internet, pay for several subscriptions, AND watch commercials. Or pay even MORE in lieu of said commercials. If I decide to be an old Boomer and just watch network TV, it's all garbage. Because all the writing, show running, etc. talent is at Apple+ or whatever.
  12. Like South Austin’s mom’s college years?
  13. Mexican building code enforcement is not our standard.
  14. I mean this is Surly, but we DO have standards. SMH
  15. I won't vouch for the 100% accuracy of Task & Purpose (He's a bit too glib for me). But the explanation he gives for how the donated weapons are accounted for financially makes sense. They assigned a certain value to the old Bradley's sent to Ukraine and took it off the tab of money Congress "gave" to Ukraine. That money goes to buy better, brand new Bradley A4E1's. In this case it started a program that had been sitting for want of $$$'s.
  16. I bet a Toyota military vehicle is hard to destroy.
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