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Everything posted by Parliament

  1. It'll get a buncha young Chinese men killed. It'd help with their gender balance. So there's that.
  2. 8 years from the first document I submitted to the day I took the oath. That's how long it took for me. By that point I'd been here 21 years. And I was legal. Thank you for your patience. I hope you bought lotsa guns and voted Republican. (jk) Not working whilst posting on Surly?
  3. I like this pivot the House has done. A few weeks ago they didn't wanna give Ukraine ANYTHING. Now they're telling the President to give the UKA permission to all but invade Russia.
  4. Everyone with working skills and a clean arrest record should be allowed to be an American. We need their talent and their taxes.
  5. Theoretically, how far could an F16 make it into Russia, launch its Storm Shadow, and make it back in one piece? Or is Russian airspace still too controlled for that?
  6. Do we get to see a bunch of them getting killed by Americans?
  7. Be white. Pay money. Or sneak in illegally. (No CR)
  8. I, for one, welcome our immigrant overlords.
  9. How good is that cage armor against Russian drones?
  10. The St. Lawrence Seaway opened a few years later. Seems they wanted to get ahead of the game?
  11. Can we get serious for a minute? I have a rather large (by non-gun owners' thread standards) accumulation of guns and ammo. The mix is...eclectic. Basically when I see a unicorn I buy it. I don't plan to die for at least another 25 years, and I have no heirs interested in guns at all. Left as it is, when I pass, they're gonna hafta disperse/sell off some safes full of guns and ammo, with no idea how to do it. How do I change my estate to make it easy for them?
  12. AI is learning how to be “funny” from reruns of Friends?! Could the future BE any more enshittified?
  13. Latvia, Estonia and that other one too. NATO membership finally gives them the change to not get raped by Russia and/or Germany. They aren't gonna ever go back.
  14. That's a great find. Movie has pretty much everyone in it.
  15. Lotsa farmers in the US love this show. He shows the real challenges of farming and complains about government rules. What's not to love.
  16. The temporary pier was anchored to a Gaza beach last Thursday as Israel comes under growing global pressure to allow more supplies into the besieged coastal enclave, where it is at war with Palestinian militants Hamas and a famine looms. Operations began on Friday and 10 aid trucks were driven by UN contractors to a World Food Programme warehouse in Deir El Balah in Gaza. But on Saturday, only five trucks made it to the warehouse after 11 others were intercepted. "Crowds had stopped the trucks at various points along the way. There was ... what I think I would refer to as self-distribution," UN spokesman Stephane Dujarric told reporters in New York on Tuesday. https://www.tbsnews.net/hamas-israel-war/new-routes-planned-halted-gaza-aid-us-built-pier-857726
  17. Secretary Yellen gives German banks the what-for. In an unusually direct warning, she told the executives to police sanctions compliance among their banks' foreign branches and subsidiaries and reach out to foreign correspondent banking customers to do the same, especially in high-risk jurisdictions. https://finance.yahoo.com/news/yellen-urges-german-banks-boost-071602247.html?guccounter=1&guce_referrer=aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuZ29vZ2xlLmNvbS8&guce_referrer_sig=AQAAAGzkvGT73xBDFYWVSzfwweuUCgB4vJxP5EMMlhdyDx6JnwdT9MpVwV0TATEjojvugYWV-hmHlBsF0oM07PV6NIpAyirAqTDjiQvFx06_0_z9Fjb2slcfISD02xPWRhAdtcABx8g8ufqzotFzo40liva94MpnfL_cLh9tWJvNvkrf
  18. Fury. Hits just about every war movie trope and it's especially dumb how they chose to fight that last Tiger when they had direct orders to pass everything to get to that crossroads. But the characters are are great and the tone is too. They could make a great Netflix series out of it.
  19. Don't turn your back on that cat.
  20. Good way to take a beating.
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