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Posts posted by Parliament

  1. The most impressive abuses of office dress code I have ever seen were in my company's Moscow office (not a troll farm, promise).  Holy shit, it looked like these ho's came straight from the street corner half the time and it was magnificent.
    Still, even the Rooskies have limits.  The receptionist got sent home one day to change when she came in wearing some 6 inch stilettos and a mini-skirt with slits on both sides and so short that it barely covered the essentials.  Before she got sent home I told one of my co-workers that I would be doing good if I didn't get fired or arrested that day.
    Did they put out?
  2. Speaking of Bill Guarnere:

    Guarnere was wounded in mid-October 1944, while Easy Company was securing the line on "The Island" on the south side of the Rhine. As the sergeant of Second Platoon, he had to go up and down the line to check on and encourage his men, who were spread out over a distance of about a mile. While driving a motorcycle that he had stolen from a Dutch farmer across an open field, he was shot in the right leg by a sniper. The impact knocked him off the motorcycle, fractured his right tibia, and lodged some shrapnel in his right buttock. He was sent back to England on 17 October.

    While recovering from injuries, he didn't want to be assigned to another unit, so he put black shoe polish all over his cast, put his pants leg over the cast, and walked out of the hospital in severe pain. He was caught by an officer, court-martialed, demoted to private, and returned to the hospital. He told them he would just go AWOL again to rejoin Easy Company. The hospital kept him a week longer and then transferred him back to his unit.[

    He arrived at Mourmelon-le-Grand, just outside Reims, where the 101st was on R and R (rest and recuperation), about 10 December, just before the company was sent to the Battle of the Bulge in Belgium, on December 16. Because the paperwork did not arrive from England about his court-martial and demotion, he was reinstated in his same position.


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  3. 1 hour ago, Homercles said:


    His daily routine isn’t covered in much detail there either, but there’s a reason he quickly rose to working at the regimental level due to his sharpness with intelligence. Winters had an innate ability to work with him, which is probably why being busted back to battalion was best for everyone.

    Hell Colonel Sink’s nickname was ‘bourbon bob’. Lotta guys had a drinking problem when it became more available in places like Germany.


    Nixon got a Bronze (or Silver?) Star for his action in taking those guns on Normandy Beach.   He understood the maps they found gave the specific location of a buncha Kraut artillery pieces.  Ran them through enemy territory to get back to the beach.  

  4. 54 minutes ago, Buzzrock said:

    I’m ready for Idris Elba as Bond with some badass writers and directors. But I’m down with one last Craig ride.


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  5. 30 minutes ago, tx 3 putt said:


    single shot rifles Vs eight shot rifles 

    The Mauser was a bolt gun, and the Germans LOVED their Schmeiser, the preeminent WW2 SMG.  They also loved their MG42, the gun that started the LMG concept.

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