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Posts posted by Parliament

  1. 8 hours ago, Cairn Horn88 said:

    Those two losses by the lady ags were devastating, the way they lost them.  For the most part, they outplayed Florida, but somehow found a way to lose.  If you don't watch softball,  theses forums don't do the losses justice.  I think these losses will haunt these girls for a long time.  It's hard to watch young ladies lose in just big games...even aggy....but that's just me.  The guys....well, it doesn't bother me at all.  Maybe having a daughter who played has something to do with it.

    I'll allow it.

  2. 36 minutes ago, Tom said:

    This thread is a reminder that the butthurt is still strong with conservatives that Hillary Clinton accomplished more than you blowhards could accomplish in 100 lifetimes and it drives you insane.  She walked away unscathed from the countless made up controversies you invented for her, and the worst thing you can say about her is she won't be president.  

    No, that's the BEST thing we can say about her.

    • Like 2
    • Haha 2
  3. Totally cool that parents would have the option to FIX things what they personally consider abnormalities. And that's what CRISPR does. It changes the DNA of a living organism. It doea not kill.


    As a proponent of Right to Life, I am against killing embryo's. I won't argue that, as arguing hasn't eliminated abortion.


    The issue raised above of "hybrid vigor" problems if we start screening and editing is legit. But it's take a whole lot to be a problem. We selectively breed livestock today. From the standpoint of genetic diversity, is that mich different?



  4. 9 hours ago, bolverk said:

    I can't recall the response to the question, but when this incident initially happened I asked if this was the first time that Russian and American forces had ever gotten into a fire fight. Did we ever actually fight a direct battle against Russians during the Cold War?

    Yeah, I recognize they were just "mercenaries", but the question still stands.

    Somehow, we found ourselves entwined in the Russian Revolution after WW1.  Not sure why.

  5. I swear there is already a thread, but with God as my witness, I can't find it.

    Looks like the "Brolin chasing Del Toro and the kid" storyline from the other trailers may have been a ruse.  But I don't know.  This movie still doesn't give me a tingle up my leg.

  6. Regardless, it’s great they’re using “distinct” directors. Mendes and now Boyle each have a way that you immediately recognize. It keeps the brand from getting stale.

    Let Boyle do this one, then let Nolan reboot with a new Bond.

  7. Because doing that with Star Trek was so good?

    I want Dennis Villaneve (sp).

    Spectre sucked through the middle, and at the end. But the stumbled onto something good for a bit:

    An ensemble doing spy stuff. The secondary characters are played by good actors. Need to revisit that concept.

  8. We used to screw with teenagers as kids and get away from them on our bikes. There are a lot of shortcuts you can take on a bike that you can't in a car. We watched RAD and BMX Bandits one too many times.
    One time we shot some bottle rockets at some HS schooler's car back window and gave them the finger. We took off on our bikes before they could turn around. We made it to the next street when we heard their tires screeching around the corner. I drove through someone's yards and tossed my bike over their fence and jumped into their backyard. Another kid did the same but our friend Andy had a shitty Murray that weighed 50 pounds. LOL he couldn't get it over the fence. I yelled, "leave the bike!!!" He broke down crying as the teenagers pulled up. I yelled "Shit, I gotta go". Me and the other kid jumped into the alley and hopped through another yard and took off. Andy ended up getting smacked around a little bit and his bike trashed, it was a lousy bike so no loss.
    We dumped white paint on this douchebag who flunked his Sr year.

    He's Batman now.
  9. Yeah, why do we need to discuss only politics?  If we're expanding:

    The commercialization of the Haber-Bosch process in 1919.  It was a cheaper, easier way to produce commercial nitrogen that was used to DRAMATICALLY improve crop yields.   They US became a food-exporting powerhouse.  And all nations could build bombs cheaper.

    Shale fracking.  In the early 00's, the US was beginning to need imported NG and/or replacement energy sources.  We were about to become MORE dependent on foreign despots for oil and gas.  Then some smart people figured out how to get O&G from shale deposits in TX, ND and northern Appalachia.  Today we are a net exporter of NG and refined fuels.  It is a HUGE swing from 15 years ago.  And I don't think our political leaders recognize the power it gives us.


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