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Everything posted by Parliament

  1. https://apnews.com/article/russell-brand-allegations-police-prosecutors-cead4e44f1f0274122c7fa54b9cfd1b5
  2. I want it to get real cold so I can ride bike in the real cold. Only redeemable part of winter.
  3. I have been warned that our mother has been fully-indoctrinated in MAGA. Guess she got it from her church. All us kids are keeping eachother to account and reminding eachother not to accidentally bring up politics.
  4. Maybe it's just me, but I think telling an angry cop to, "Pull the gun out." is a dangerous thing. Don't do that.
  5. There was a huge swath of time when like 60% of the World's population lived in a country that called itself "Communist."* And the Russians/Cubans/Chinese were starting shit in many of those other 40% nations. For that reason I'll give America some grace before judging us for getting it wrong a few times. And just about EVERY Middle Eastern country is a mess. They don't need our meddling to achieve that. *Most of those countries weren't Communist of course. They just called themselves Communist to lend legitimacy and and curry favor. Doesn't matter if they were/were not Communist. They were aholes just the same.
  6. 1) Your first >5 years out of college just crank your withholding to the max (likely 20%). You were poor in college; just stay poor a few more years. As stated above, you're gonna prime the pump and get you a gold mine someday. 1a) They tell me your first million is a lot harder to make than your second. I hope so.
  7. Well yeah. Don't wanna have them go rogue:
  8. Will probably be rerun before the next ep. Set your vcr.
  9. So long as it doesn’t affect Mt. Dew.
  10. Four out of four of Parliament’s ex wives agree with you.
  11. The only thing Russia does well is drag their enemy down into the shit, and eat it faster. Living in shit is their home, and they excel at it.
  12. And the thread title is misleading. S&P 500 up 119% since the OP started it. Seems he was wrong. Wrong and destined to be poooor.
  13. We didn’t lose the war, we just ran out of conscripts.
  14. I think at this point this show should be considered “based on true events.” But wow what a compelling story. And the guy playing Hernandez is a great actor. Plays the psycho unstable guy perfectly.
  15. Sicario. Jasper Sitwell is unloading a buncha drugs from his cop car when Alejandro walks out of the tunnel. Why didn’t you get in your car and bail the when you heard the first gunshot?
  16. Cryptocurrency is naturally deflationary. Money supply goes up -> money flows into Bitcoin/Dogecoin/etc -> prices go up -> more money goes in -> someone panics (and likely posts a TikTok vid) -> prices crash and all that actual money that started it disappears. Like literally taking a pile of cash US Dollars and burning it. Rince -> repeat
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