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  1. Sweet! Post pics when you get it.
  2. East Texas. So yes.
  3. Can I ask why?
  4. 43x mos gets you a rail for a light (don’t do that) and optics capability (who cares on that gun). Save up and get a 2011 Hayes, Cardinal, rc9, atlas, etc.
  5. Handcruser

    Getting old sucks

    Anybody old enough to get injured getting a blow job? That’s when you know you’re old. I’m checking in.
  6. They can’t unless they change their methodology. You can get one from shield but then you need to change the release. 10 is enough anyway. They sell more 43’s btw
  7. I hereby make a formal request to change the thread title to “johntay Cook dismissed from football teams”
  8. I totally agree with this. Whether it would be anything worthwhile is where my doubts lie. Same thing was happening behind the scenes with SRV. It was going to be phenomenal.
  9. A big change was coming for SRV and I was excited to see it.
  10. Look at briley for the barrel
  11. Handcruser

    Fire Aid

    I never like moons playing - that’s just me. Bonham was incredible - fast, creative, technical, etc. Just a special talent imo. I love Copeland too. What a great fit he was for what the police needed and wanted.
  12. Look at tech sights.
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