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  1. We have one ee in TX We have one ee in TN We have two or three in mn Maybe one elsewhere. It’s been tough finding something for coverage that isn’t fucking crazy. Any ideas?
  2. Our foreman saw it and then the oil gauger saw it another time. Both reports of a black cat.
  3. There is a black one that roams our property every four to five months in Yorktown. I was sitting in the mule one night and heard this incredibly deep growl. I thought for a second “I wonder what that is”? Then I remembered and got the fuck out of there. He roams our property for a few months, then is gone for a while, then back.
  4. Yes. Buy a used Glock. Seriously. Everyone buying daggers and Ross martins and sars- just buy a used Glock. Plz.
  5. Midway has them. Two two zero grain load. I can’t write digits. Bug in tapa.
  6. You want buffalo bore for hog business. I’ll find you a link.
  7. That pass pro was a bad matchup - scheme mistake. Quinn is on fire. That throw was perfection.
  8. lol. After I posted that I turned that song on. Driving home from breakfast.
  9. When you write numbers it ducks everything up. It’s a tapa issue. Happens to me too.
  10. Jupiter the sea lion picked Texas to win. That’s big.
  11. Ego mowers suck balls. I finally sent mine in for repair and Home Depot accidentally destroyed it and issued me a credit. Bought a Honda.
  12. She was great. RIP.
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