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Everything posted by Handcruser

  1. Agreed. It’s become South by So What. Fuck the film and tech bullshit - run a corporate conference for that. I’d love a week long music fest, $100 pass gets you in everywhere.
  2. Next come the championships. -The Looch Buzz sucks. Jimbo fired. Schloss bolted for UT. Lolz.
  3. I moved here in 1990. We had just moved to another house north of 183 near Parmer and I was still working at Rooster Andrew’s on south Lamar. It was a Saturday, in the Fall, with Texas and OU playing. I left work with about 7 minutes left, did 120 on mopac, and walked in the door to see stonie Clark stop the 4th and goal. Get wrecked OU.
  4. Pic broken.
  5. I believe Earley is receiving a contract extension. 4 xtra years and 400mm guaranteed.
  6. Hello. I need some help. So right now, I use excel to build “order writers’. If you don’t know what they’re for- they’re built specifically for my dealers to input their order and then sent back to me and I pass along to manufacturer. I have about 4 companies that I handle sales for on a regular basis. But one company we’re bringing on has 4 Brazilian options and excel is just not going to handle it well. Any ideas? Ordered.com ? We use Monday crm fyi.
  7. Next come the championships. -The Looch
  8. NBD. Traded in the Guild. Long story.
  9. Yeah just do a contract on your own and shut the fuck up. They’re dealing with tens of thousands of contracts monthly, they probably don’t have bandwidth for investigations. I’d cut them out so quick your nuts would fall off.
  10. For states that require straight wall cartridges.
  11. Wait - didn’t they get new hair-do’s? How did they lose? Maybe they all need new grillz.
  12. “Next come the championships” - The Looch
  13. Indoor. Some converted house or something. Yeah probably 2013. It was a bitch to get there, find parking, etc. I should get a free bass amp from you for the trouble lol
  14. Remember (prob not) when I came to see you play in East Austin one night and you told me to get there at 9 so I got there at 9 and you were putting up your gear so I got to see zilch? I ‘member. DF early days.
  15. Understood. If you want to discuss PM me. There is also something else about to enter the market that’s pretty rad. I’ll have those out in 90 days. Look at atlas silver pvd too. So dope.
  16. Killing some BBQ at city market in luling - my favorite in the state.
  17. That gun looks familiar lol. Atlas trigger ftw!
  18. No - not that I know of. They’re actuallly below industry average. What model are you looking at?
  19. Going to take to my bass tech guy and get it all set up, flats, whatever. I already don’t like the saddles. Rosewood or mahogany or some shit. It was the only “issue” I could find but we’ll see.
  20. Man I thought that was Celery Man for a second.
  21. Putting unqualified people in key roles because they’re gun people and the owner likes them. After Nate left last year there was a bit of a power vacuum. Shit it was actually a coup really. Painful to watch unfold really. Anyway - lots of new players coming on the scene. We’re actually incubating a lot of these smaller companies, keeping them focused on building guns and not buying boats. So far so good. We’re the only ones doing this in the entire 2011 space - super cool.
  22. Staccato is in the middle of some stupid shit and poor decision making. But their owner is a brazillionaire so he’ll bail them out.
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