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Everything posted by Handcruser

  1. Hmmm. Maybe infiray, Bering optics, agm in that range.
  2. I looked at the kahr for you. Looks like a khar. Trigger is awful. Fucking awful. I’d never buy one but I know that’s your fetish.
  3. Played with it today. I’m not a fan of I’ll go by Kahr tomorrow - they’re right next to us
  4. Arnzen arms is going to see when he can get that Bergara.
  5. I just responded. See above I think. Slammed. Looking for good dealer. Where are you located?
  6. Slammed. Bergara gun shipping end of April Dealers should have them in May When is your hunt?
  7. New M&p with safety would be ok to consider. Old ones no. New trigger is way better.
  8. Also there is a staccato 4.15 model. If you want one of those call second amendment in mchenry Illinois . He has a few left.
  9. You don’t want a double stack 45. Options are slim and it’s unnecessary. You want 9mm. 2011 is really the way to go because of your familiarity with the 1911 platform. Bul armory has a new one out and I like their stuff. CZ shadow could be an option - their new compact is sweet. Kimber has a new variant out but I don’t know much about it. Kd9s or something. Yes, staccato would be an option as well. C2 or P - either would work. If you want a staccato I would PM me asap lol. And just for fyi - everyone should have a Glock 19 in their arsenal. Just sayin.
  10. Also - if I cAn firm down a release date I’ll make sure one of my dealers calls you first. As long as your good for it I’ll work to make it happen
  11. I’m at shot. I’ll talk to them and some of my dealers tomorrow. I’ll get the skinny on an actual release date and find a dealer that will get them first. Stay tuned, but PM me to remind me because my schedule is whack.
  12. Cans are 6 months right now. Plan for 5-8, but 6 is pretty average.
  13. I grew up in Dallas. Went to games. My aunt lived about a mile from us and her next door neighbor was Robert Newhouse - so we saw cowboys all the time and played with his kids (side note - Nancy Newhouse (his wife) died this week). I worked at rooster Andrew’s on south Lamar in the 90’s when the cowboys were at st Ed’s during the day and copper tank at night. I had cowboy shit everywhere. Fun times. Cowboys and Longhorns were my teams. Now just Longhorns.
  14. Seeing Jerry sad brings joy to my heart. Fuck that piece of shit. When he dies I’ll start rooting for the cowboys again.
  15. Your half brother is my kind of guy. I was in Minnesota a few weeks ago for 2 days - it was like 15 degrees and all I wore was a long sleeve shirt.
  16. Individualize it. Someone likes to hunt - book them a trip. Chick likes facials (ha) - book her a luxury spa day. We dont give a shit about plaques or commemorative cups. That’s for Aggy. We also dont all want to do something together for a job well done usually. I’d rather you give me a gift card to a nice restaurant than go hang out with Ralph and his bad breath at dinner. I don’t like Ralph. Individualize it.
  17. https://www.focuscamera.com/vortex-viper-pst-gen-ii-1-6x24-riflescope-vmr-2-mrad-reticle-w-vortex-30mm-cantilever-mount.html?utm_id=0G9x1C1bgxyPTGXUIp1lKzVXUkHx7zU3NxSuVU0&utm_source=Impact&utm_medium=Affiliate&utm_campaign=10228&utm_content=ONLINE_TRACKING_LINK&irgwc=1&partner=Mrgunsngear.&mpid=1452324&group You’re welcome.
  18. Also look at primary arms lpvo with new shake awake cap. Buy at least the mid grade lpvo from them
  19. Eurooptic Viper pst2 1-6 $499 Buy that if buying vortex. Glass is better. $100 more basically outside of PSA sale. Sig tango msr is a really good deal. Comes with mount. Vortex razor is the shit. But $1600 or so.
  20. Factory grips on gunbroker for 200. I got curious lol.
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