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Everything posted by Handcruser

  1. Gunbroker only. Online gun sales outside of a few vendors is risky business man!
  2. If you can handle the extra $ - PWS would be worth every penny. They’re fantastic. Ruger should be $1099 or less fyi.
  3. Got it. For AR Ruger SFAR are nice rigs - the lightest out there. You. A build an aero M5 for ~1200ish which is what I would do at that budget. Primary weapons systems at $1900 would be my option if you can spend a little more. I dislike 365’s. They’re great guns and hyper reliable I just don’t like them. I prefer the hellcat in that scenario. Hellcat pro might be an option as it’s the same size as the 365xl Masada slim are great - newer gun but very good.
  4. Buy yet? If not what are you looking for? Cop shop. Decent inventory, but very nice people. I’d buy from them.
  5. Eh, I’d disagree. But I am all for his place in the history of music. I’d go for Hal Blaine in ringos spot on your list. I will also admit that you know more about music than I do.
  6. I’ve got that Ruger American in 300BO and it’s a nice little gun. 6.5G has more energy at 1000 than .308 M80 ball I believe. M80 is underpowered though. 6.5G needs a 24” barrel to extract the most out of it, but 12”-18” - it’s lethal out to 250ish maybe 300 with 18”. It’s a great fucking round. Works great in AR-15 platform too.
  7. And if you guys aren’t looking at 6.5 grendel you’re missing out.
  8. You’re making good choices. I’m on a similar hunt and leaning 260 rem. B14 and T3x are all great rigs. 308 barrel wear would not be a concern for me. I’d go carbon in the B14 - especially if surpressed. Waypoint - I love this rig. All carbon fiber, 20” barrel - just fuxking awesome. I love the way it feels when I shoulder. Is it worth an extra $800? Probably not, although I might do one in 6mm one day. If I don’t do a custom build, I’ll do a B14 with steel barrel in 308 and throw on a proof 260 barrel. The 260 rem round is just so sweet. Solid choice if you want an ar10.
  9. Lars is a huge part of the Metallica sound. As a drummer, he is not good. I fucking suck and I can play most everything he can but I’m too lazy to memorize it. He’s just very very basic. And that’s fine - good for him for turning no talent into millions. Ringo was very very basic - just not a great talent as a drummer. But he turned that into millions. Sit down and ask either of them to play anything technical and they’re fucking lost.
  10. Ask him what kind of casket he prefers and if he wants you to delete his browser history.
  11. If Aggy pulls the plug on E-Rob, they’re admitting they fucked up. They can’t admit it.
  12. You leave the “bargain contract” talk to Billy luicci and those texum Aggies. They know Maseratis and stuff.
  13. If you rent it out and don’t tell anybody about it did it really happen?
  14. Yup. Just a preference thing. Beautiful set.
  15. Can you do a front shot. I’m curious about something
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