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Everything posted by Handcruser

  1. It has to be tied to the serial number - anything else would be more ludicrous than it already is. Can you imagine disgruntled ex-employees knowing password123 opens all sold safes. Fucking lolz - they’re done.
  2. So for clarity - are you talking about the slide lock? If you are talking about the lever that locks the slide back and enables you to release if after you e inserted another mag - then tell me what your concern is and (I’m pretty sure what it is) I’ll solve the problem for you.
  3. It’s the future. Glock 19 and Glock 17 get you a Glock 19 and Glock 17 A Glock 19 and a Glock 47 get you a 19, 17, 47, 45, and 19L Also 17’s will not be MOS anymore - future production of that variant is ending and 47’s will be MOS. There is no reason really to buy a 17 over a 47. And yes, modularity. I prefer 4” barrels usually and I’ll be buying a 47 at some point after my staccato purchases
  4. P-10 would be my last choice and I’m a big CZ fan. Scratch the 17 and go 47. PDP’s are great - accurate and reliable. VP9 is one of my favorites so I’d look at that. Hk P30 might garner a look - great ergonomics. SA/da so something a little different. P320 X series (maybe vtac) should get a look I prefer 4” barrels but that’s just me. I like the way they point. Typically they are considered compacts but ignore that - that is old terminology.
  5. So- here is what I would do. I’d get the can in order. Look at silencershop and just stick with them. They’re great. They have specials all the time on cans that include a free tax stamp so that helps. Look at the rugged Alaskan 360ti. A little pricy but covers everything. Thermals you can take home today. ATN is fine - they’re on the lower end usually but they work fine. I really like Burris thermals. Holosun has something coming out soon that looks super cool - I’ll bite on one for sure. What is your budget?
  6. It’s fine. It’s nothing special - just fine. What are you looking to do with the gun?
  7. Does it have the butterfly keyboard? There was a known issue with one of their keyboards.
  8. For my cardioid needs I always use big diaphragms. Or something.
  9. If anyone wants to buy a gun from McBrides you might want to step on it.
  10. Yes -most people think this. Honestly - for what your talking about is look at the Taurus hard. And I mean hard. It’s $299.
  11. We’ll what do you want to do with it besides shoot it with the can? If that’s all you want to do with a little target thrown in id get the Ruger mkiv lite. If you want to train - 322, tx22, for fn502. The best deal is the Taurus. Hands down. I like the trigger best on 502. Go see Ross at guns warehouse. Tell him I sent you.
  12. Beautiful man!
  13. Pic doesn’t work.
  14. So I have 40+ reports I have to do every week for clients. The only way I can get this data is basically a data dump from Epicor into excel. I then have to delete columns I don’t need, resize, and then copy/paste that data into a PDF. It doesn’t have to be a pdf - I can copy/paste it directly into an email if I want. But pdf looks better. Is there a solution that will allow me to copy to excel, then dump that entire sheet into a program/engine that then spits out a final polished product? Getting Epicor on-site is another issue - it y’all have a contact there PM me.
  15. I told you not to do that.
  16. Watching that video confirmed what I have felt for a while: austin just fucked up the design did the airport from day one. Just an awful job. I can totally understand needing to add-on/upgrade/etc - but man were they stupid.
  17. Lol. Sounds like Dell. When I worked there the Boeing (I think) rep had a quota of 10m or whatever. Boeing makes a surprise purchase /move etc and they order like 50m worth of shit (5x his quota) and he’s super pumped for that sweet sweet bonus check. They told him to read the fine print and gave him a 25k bonus or whatever instead of the 500k he was due. He left. So did I.
  18. Thoughts from a school counselor - Sounds like autism. Could be a few other things but autism is the leader. Public school is obligated to test him. Good luck.
  19. Approx 350b
  20. As Bob said - depends on the company and the role. And either way, the company usually doesn’t give a shit if the product or service sucks. Sell it or walk. There are some outliers. For sure.
  21. Yup. I walk out the door hot as fuck.
  22. The only person that I thought “that guy isn’t going to embarrass us and won’t fuck everything up” was Hutchison. But damn- it’s like picking your football team from the small bus.
  23. Trump almost seems reasonable and level-headed after watching these guys
  24. I am of the opinion that China is slowly working an infil of troops in Taiwan - people that don’t register militarily. If China decides to attack the troops will already be there and sabotage elements in place.
  25. Not very often - if your changing heads a lot then maybe once a year if that. I had an issue on my bass drum where my Tom holder wasn’t holding tension. A little lubed fixed it right up. It hasn’t been lubed for prob 20 years. Drums are pretty maintenance free. Change heads when they need it and go. Keep a microfiber cloth handy and wipe down what’s wet. If it isn’t wet - don’t worry about it. Yours are wrapped right? If shells are dirty/dusty get a mild cleaner (like misty) and get a towel and clean them off. Jimmy I almost stopped by Tommy’s today around 1. We’re you there then?
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