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Everything posted by Handcruser

  1. I told you not to do that.
  2. Watching that video confirmed what I have felt for a while: austin just fucked up the design did the airport from day one. Just an awful job. I can totally understand needing to add-on/upgrade/etc - but man were they stupid.
  3. Lol. Sounds like Dell. When I worked there the Boeing (I think) rep had a quota of 10m or whatever. Boeing makes a surprise purchase /move etc and they order like 50m worth of shit (5x his quota) and he’s super pumped for that sweet sweet bonus check. They told him to read the fine print and gave him a 25k bonus or whatever instead of the 500k he was due. He left. So did I.
  4. Thoughts from a school counselor - Sounds like autism. Could be a few other things but autism is the leader. Public school is obligated to test him. Good luck.
  5. Approx 350b
  6. As Bob said - depends on the company and the role. And either way, the company usually doesn’t give a shit if the product or service sucks. Sell it or walk. There are some outliers. For sure.
  7. Yup. I walk out the door hot as fuck.
  8. The only person that I thought “that guy isn’t going to embarrass us and won’t fuck everything up” was Hutchison. But damn- it’s like picking your football team from the small bus.
  9. Trump almost seems reasonable and level-headed after watching these guys
  10. I am of the opinion that China is slowly working an infil of troops in Taiwan - people that don’t register militarily. If China decides to attack the troops will already be there and sabotage elements in place.
  11. Not very often - if your changing heads a lot then maybe once a year if that. I had an issue on my bass drum where my Tom holder wasn’t holding tension. A little lubed fixed it right up. It hasn’t been lubed for prob 20 years. Drums are pretty maintenance free. Change heads when they need it and go. Keep a microfiber cloth handy and wipe down what’s wet. If it isn’t wet - don’t worry about it. Yours are wrapped right? If shells are dirty/dusty get a mild cleaner (like misty) and get a towel and clean them off. Jimmy I almost stopped by Tommy’s today around 1. We’re you there then?
  12. Keep the lugs lubed Polish your cymbals if you want. The petina can change tone. You don’t need to worry about that. Other than that, play ‘em.
  13. It’s smoother. More adjustable. Built a little better. Both are great. Plenty of pros play 5000 pedals. But daughters usually get the 9000’s.
  14. Thanks for this! Pretty stoked but my September is loaded with travel on the weekends. Someone has to sling guns and be an arms dealer.
  15. Thanks for this! Pretty stoked but my September is loaded with travel on the weekends. Someone has to sling guns and be an arms dealer.
  16. Tommy is good people by the way. I hope he gets fibes going again - they’re great. He’s had a tough run over the last 10 years so I always support him when I can. Tommy is good people by the way. I hope he gets fibes going again - they’re great. He’s had a tough run over the last 10 years so I always support him when I can.
  17. Dw9000. I have the 5000 (double) and I want the 9000. I had the MFG pedal and Hihat and much prefer the 9000. But - out of those 2 5000 hands down. https://store.dwdrums.com/p/dwcp5000ad4xf-5000-accelerator-xf-single-pedal?pp=10 https://store.dwdrums.com/p/dwcp9000-9000-series-single-bass-drum-pedal?pp=10 This thing was so complicated I got tired of tuning it: https://store.dwdrums.com/p/dwcpmcd2-machined-chain-drive-double-pedal-w-case?pp=10 Congrats on the pearl!!!!!!
  18. Dw9000. I have the 5000 (double) and I want the 9000. I had the MFG pedal and Hihat and much prefer the 9000. But - out of those 2 5000 hands down. https://store.dwdrums.com/p/dwcp5000ad4xf-5000-accelerator-xf-single-pedal?pp=10 https://store.dwdrums.com/p/dwcp9000-9000-series-single-bass-drum-pedal?pp=10 This thing was so complicated I got tired of tuning it: https://store.dwdrums.com/p/dwcpmcd2-machined-chain-drive-double-pedal-w-case?pp=10 Congrats on the pearl!!!!!!
  19. I’m not sure why people don’t understand this.
  20. I’m not sure why people don’t understand this.
  21. 10-4 man! It’s her day - no worries here.
  22. Yes, we do. That’s why you don’t know about them……their in burrito. Yes, we do. That’s why you don’t know about them……their in burrito.
  23. Are you on parole? Do you have any felony convictions?
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